Board Communiqué June 2020

Read the highlights of key issues discussed at the RACP Board meeting on 5 June 2020.

In applying good governance practice, at the beginning of each meeting the Board considers any conflicts of interest, their obligations of confidentiality, collective decision making, Board solidarity and collective responsibility. In addition, a Director is appointed to undertake a meeting evaluation, commenting on the quality of meeting papers, conduct at the meeting, positive aspects of the meeting and opportunities for improvement.

Director appointments on Board Committees

We have considered and resolved the appointment of Board Directors on a range of Board Committees. The Directors discussed that there are not a sufficient number of Directors to chair the number of committees being considered. A review of the committee by-laws and that Directors be a member of the committee rather than the Chair was suggested. The Board sought to discuss which committees should remain Board committees and considered the reporting structure of other committees. The benefit of fresh perspectives achieved with new members joining committees was noted.

People, Culture and Remuneration Committee

The People, Culture and Remuneration Committee replaces the previous Remuneration Committee, and has developed to include people, culture and workplace health and safety.

Board Committee and College Body Induction Program

The Governance Committee endorsed the Committee Induction Plan, which reflects the new Induction Plan approved by the Board at our May meeting. Further work is required prior to implementation.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Committee Work Plan

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Committee (ATSIHC) outlined the plan to grow the Indigenous physician workforce and foster a culturally safe and competent College. The Māori Health Committee (MHC) and the ATSIHC have discussed resourcing the Indigenous Strategic Framework (ISF), the strategic leads, constitutional reform and Indigenous health.

The 5 ISF RACP Strategic Priorities are:

  1. contribute to addressing Indigenous health equity differences

  2. grow the Indigenous physician workforce

  3. equip and educate the broader physician workforce to improve Indigenous health

  4. foster a culturally safe and competent College

  5. To meet the new regulatory standards and requirements of the Australian Medical Council and Medical Council of New Zealand.

The ISF was developed with the Indigenous Committees in 2018, being a College-wide initiative and a culturally safe organisation. Reports have been issued to the Indigenous Committees to review the progress that has been made against the strategic priorities. While some areas had a lower start base that others, improvements have been implemented in the first 2 of the 8-year ISF.

The College have engaged with Indigenous lawyers to scope what they would like included as part of the constitutional review.

College business

We have considered and approved updated by-laws and policies and approved a number of committee appointments.

The College Professional Practice team have been working with members to assist them to get their 2019 CPD logged. Member feedback has been very positive for the support received.

Discussions are being held about staff transitioning back to work when restrictions ease, noting there will be a delay to get everyone back to meet safety requirements.

The College is advocating for telehealth through multiple avenues, running advocacy through the College, Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges and other agencies. The results of the member survey on the benefits of telehealth will support further advocacy.

Financial report

The Board were advised that the College was tracking to budget and income at the end of April 2020, noting the lockdown and accommodation have reduced costs. May 2020 saw a drop in income resulting from the cancellation of exams and RACP Congress, reducing the surplus at the end of May to $900,000. The investment portfolio at the end of May was over $100 million, recovering since the initial drop and the forecast was for a positive result.

The College has applied for the Australian Government’s Job Keeper scheme, which has been approved for the first month, replacing $800,000 in income. This will cover the shortfall created from the cancellation of exams.

The College will continue to re-forecast as a result of the impact of COVID-19.

IT strategy

The College IT Strategy provides it links with the Vision 2025 and the IT Roadmap 2020-2025. The IT Roadmap provides an outline of the IT projects.

Redfern Meeting progress update

The historic meeting attended by the Board, ATSIHC and MHC was held in Redfern, Sydney NSW on 5 December 2019, where 6 resolutions were jointly agreed:

  1. The ATSIHC and MHC become Board Committees.

  2. Indigenous Constitutional lawyers and the ATSIHC and MHC be involved from the outset in the proposed Constitutional review, with the aim of addressing the shortcomings and issues identified by Aotearoa New Zealand and Australian experts.

  3. Indigenous cultural skills, knowledge systems and values will be recognised as essential for the RACP Board, subject to further discussion about how this might be achieved.

  4. The Board endorsed the Statement of Principles for Justice and Equity.

  5. MHC and ATSIHC have oversight of the implementation of the Indigenous Strategic Framework (ISF) and that accountability for this work to the Committee by management is through the RACP CEO.

  6. The Board reaffirms that advancement of Indigenous health and education is core business for the College, in accordance with its commitment to its ISF.

We agreed to support and champion the implementation of the outcomes of the joint December 2019 Redfern meeting.

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