A look at the law and end-of-life care

Date published:
03 Sep 2015

Pomegranate, the RACP’s podcast, has released the final installment of its series on end-of-life decision-making.

This episode, titled ‘Law at End-of-Life’, explores the complexity and jurisdictional variations of law in this space.

For the majority of dying patients, their families, and their medical staff, most decisions are reached without contention. 

However, there are risks, both legal and physical, to doctors and their patients if a doctor has knowledge gaps around end-of-life care and the law.

In the episode Professor Ben White, from the Australian Centre for Health Law Research at Queensland University of Technology, and Associate Professor Colin Gavaghan, from the Faculty of Law at the University of Otago, discuss the legal frameworks for end-of-life care in Australia and New Zealand, and how they differ when a patient lacks capacity.

The next episode of Pomegranate will be released on Tuesday, 29 September and will feature clinical haematologist and pathologist Professor John Rasko, from the ​Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Professor Rasko will present an update on stem cell research. 

Made by physicians for physicians, Pomegranate is a peer-reviewed podcast featuring Fellows from across specialities and divisions, speaking on issues that matter to them.

Download or stream Pomegranate episodes.

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