Join the ATC and the CJCT for Infectious Diseases and Infectious Diseases and Microbiology

Date published: Aug 28, 2024, 11:54 AM


The ATC in Infectious Diseases and CJCT in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology are seeking ID/IDM trainees for the Advanced Trainee Representative position.


The ATC/CJCT oversees close to 250 Advanced Trainees in ID/IDM in Australia and New Zealand.

Key responsibilities
  • monitor and assess individual trainee progress in infectious diseases (ID) / infectious diseases and microbiology (IDM)
  • confirm completion of training requirements for progression to fellowship
  • monitor training and provide support to supervisors in ID/IDM
  • accredit advanced training sites or programs in ID/IDM
  • assess recognition of prior learning
  • monitor and review training program requirements, assessments, and curricula in ID/IDM in consultation with relevant specialty societies and other stakeholders and recommend changes to the college education committee
  • advise on assessment and resource content
  • advise on matters related to overseas-trained physicians, as requested
  • provide advice on specialty-specific CPD and other educational resources for members, as appropriate
  • modify training requirements for individual trainees in accordance with college policies and procedures
  • assess and provide advice on specialist recognition in infectious diseases for fellows in the paediatric and child health division or the adult medicine division who have not completed the infectious diseases advanced training program

The ATC/CJCT meets 3 times via videoconference and has 1 face-to-face meeting in Sydney per year.

The term of office is 2 years, with the option to renew up to a maximum of 6 years.

Before applying, read the Committee for Joint College Training in Infectious Diseases & Microbiology Terms of Reference (PDF) and the  Advanced Training Committee - Infectious Diseases Terms of Reference (PDF).


To apply, submit your EOI form (DOC) to Francesca Fernandes at

Creation Date:

Aug 28, 2024, 00:00 AM

Closing Date:

Oct 27, 2024, 23:59 PM
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