In accordance with our Gender Equity in Medicine and Membership Diversity principles, we actively promote and encourage diverse representation in all College activities.
The Aotearoa NZ AMDEC oversees the implementation of College Education Policy and Strategic Direction in relation to education in the Division in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Committee:
Aotearoa NZ AMDEC acknowledges Te Tiriti ō Waitangi and the foundational principles of bicultural partnership, participation, and protection it guarantees. We therefore commit that all our policies will consider the impact on the wellbeing and mana of Māori as tangata whenua and ensure that these policies uphold the above principles
The Committee meet up to 5 times a year, of which 1 may be kanohi ki te kanohi | face-to-face in Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington. Travel costs are covered in accordance with the RACP Travel Policy. The remainder of the meetings, up to 4 would be hui-ā-ataata | Zoom.
Most of the mahi will occur during scheduled hui. There is likely to be up to 2 hours of pre-reading required before kanohi ki te kanohi hui, and 1 hour prior to hui-ā-ataata | Zoom. Members may be asked to respond to communication out of session.
Read the Aotearoa NZ Adult Medicine Division Education Committee Terms of Reference (PDF) before applying.
To apply, submit an expression of interest form (DOC) and a copy of your latest CV to
For more information about this role, contact Tasha Simmons – Executive Officer, Basic Training, Aotearoa NZ via