In accordance with our Gender Equity in Medicine and Membership Diversity principles, we actively promote and encourage diverse representation in all College activities.
Kaupapa o te Komiti | Purpose of the Committee
The Aotearoa New Zealand Rheumatology Subcommittee oversees the advanced training trainees in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Committee oversees the accreditation for Training Settings and approves and accredits training program requirements.
Aotearoa New Zealand Rheumatology Subcommittee acknowledges Te Tiriti ō Waitangi and the foundational principles of bicultural partnership, participation, and protection it guarantees. We therefore commit that all our policies will consider the impact on the wellbeing and mana of Māori as Tangata Whenua and ensure that these policies uphold the above principles.
Takohanga | Responsibilities
The Committee meet two times a year, of which they may be kanohi ki te kanohi | face-to-face in Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington. Travel costs are covered in accordance with the RACP Travel Policy, or over hui-ā-ataata | Zoom.
As a Trainee representative you will not be eligible to vote on the approval or certification of other trainees training, however you will have a vote on accreditation and policy changes.
Paearu Mātauranga, Paearu Wheako | Knowledge and experience criteria
To apply, submit an expression of interest form (DOC) and your CV to
For enquiries, contact