Appointed Member position open on the Training Committee in Gastroenterology

Date published: Jan 16, 2025, 17:04 PM


The Advanced Training Committee (ATC) in Gastroenterology is seeking Expressions of Interest from Gastroenterology fellows to join the Committee as an Appointed Member.


The ATC in Gastroenterology oversees the Advanced Training program in Gastroenterology. One of the main roles of the ATC in Gastroenterology is to monitor and assess individual trainee progress in Gastroenterology for Australia.

There’s currently 1 Fellow position vacant on the Training Committee in the role of Appointed Member. This is a great opportunity for Fellows who are willing to support current Gastroenterology Advanced Trainees and the training program.

In this role, you’ll help shape the physicians of the future and positively contribute to the direction, workforce, and culture of Gastroenterology in Australia.

Key responsibilities

The key responsibilities of the Training Committee include but are not limited to:

  • monitor training of, and provide support to, supervisors in Gastroenterology
  • accredit Advanced Training sites or programs in Gastroenterology
  • assess recognition of prior learning
  • advise on matters relating to Overseas Trained Physicians, as requested
  • modify individual training requirements, as appropriate, in accordance with College policies and procedures
  • assess and provide advice on specialist recognition in Gastroenterology for Fellows in the Paediatric and Child Health Division or the Adult Medicine Division who have not completed the Gastroenterology Advanced Training program

For more information regarding the roles and composition of the Training Committee, please refer to the Terms of Reference (PDF).

Meeting details

ATC meetings are held twice per year, with 1 face-to-face meeting in Sydney and 1 meeting held virtually via Zoom, usually in May and November. Members are appointed to the ATC for a 3-year term, with the possibility of renewal for a further term.


To apply, submit an expression of interest form (DOC) and your CV to Executive Officer, Katherine Mulcahy, at

Creation Date:

Jan 16, 2025, 01:00 AM

Closing Date:

Feb 19, 2025, 23:59 PM
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