Event Details
NSW Outpatient State-wide Referral Criteria
11 Jul 2024 at 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM
NSW Health have been coordinating the development of State-wide Referral Criteria (SRC) for NSW public specialist outpatient services.
The aim of SRC is to facilitate safe, timely and effective referral and prioritisation of patients requiring access to NSW public specialist outpatient services.
SRC are intended to support referring health professionals at the point of referral to a NSW public specialist outpatient service, and clinicians working in a NSW public specialist outpatient service at the point of screening and/or triage.
Phase 1 has focused on the development of SRC for selected conditions within the clinical specialties of Ophthalmology, Gastroenterology, Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT), and Orthopaedics.
NSW Health invites referring health professionals and clinicians working in NSW public specialist outpatient services to attend an information webinar to learn more about SRC, including where to access and when to apply, and contribute to forward planning activities for Phase 2 and beyond.
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