Date published: Jun 2, 2023, 11:51 AM
Albany Health Campus, Great Southern Region, WA
Seeking applications for Service Registrar in Paediatric Medicine for full time positions for 6 or 12 months starting February 2024.
A registrar position in Albany will provide a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of a regional service. Registrars will be involved in the care of paediatric inpatients and neonates from 37/40 at Albany Health Campus. Outpatients will include medical and developmental paediatric clinics with appropriate consultant input and supervision.
There is also the potential to contribute to outreach clinics in Katanning.
Registrars will be closely supervised by on site paediatricians 0800 to 1600 Monday to Friday.
Teaching opportunities include local grand rounds and teaching sessions as well as VC links available to PCH for registrar teaching.
Apply at MedJobsWA.
For further information, contact Dr Rebecca Cresp, Consultant Paediatrician and HOD, at