College structure
The College has two Divisions - Adult Medicine and Paediatrics & Child Health. All Fellows who hold an FRACP belong to one of the Divisions. The Divisions offer Physician training in a wide variety of medical specialties and administer the continuing professional development program for all Fellows who hold an FRACP.
The two Divisions of the RACP have Chapters, which support groups of practitioners working in the following areas:
The RACP has three faculties:
A Faculty is an independent body within the RACP, which offers its own vocational training programs. Gaining Fellowship of a Faculty does not confer Fellowship of the RACP. However, training obtained during a Faculty program may go towards training for Fellowship of the RACP and vice versa.
Specialty Societies
There are 51 Specialty Societies affiliated with the RACP. They bring together physicians, research and clinical scientists who are actively involved in the study of a particular specialty. The RACP maintains close links with the Specialty Societies and draws upon their expertise for guidance on matters relevant to their specialty.