19 December
It’s that time when many of us reflect on the past 12 months and look ahead to what the next year may hold. This year, I can look back on the first six months of my RACP Presidency.
25 November
Today, I want to talk with you about the importance of the first 2,000 days of life – and the degree to which they affect the following 30,000 days. Most of you know that I am a paediatrician, and so am deeply aware of the importance of the first 2,000 days for a child’s health and wellbeing.
28 October
Today, I want to take you back 85 years – and if you will bear with me – the reason for doing so will be apparent shortly. In 1938 the world population was 4.3 billion. In medicine, Florey and Chan had attempted the first mass production of penicillin. Hans Asperger coined the term autism.
27 September
We, as members of the RACP, are committed to serving the health of our people. This remains true from the earliest days of our Basic Training to the later years of our professional life.
19 August
One of our core tasks as a College, is to train the physicians of tomorrow. Our 9,000 trainees across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand are a very important part of our membership. But for those in training, the College can be a challenging place to get to know and to build connections.
22 July
I recently travelled to England and Ireland as part of my President’s role to build connections with medical colleges and colleagues. It was a short, but very busy trip. International connections in medicine are very important.
24 June
I want to talk with you about burnout. Some of you may have seen the RACP’s commentary in Australian national media about burnout and that it is an urgent issue for the health system.
27 May
I have been asked recently - what kind of President will I be? The same... but different. Our times, and our College, are changing, yet we stand true to our foundations.
22 April
Sadly, this will be my last video message to you as President of the College. It has been an honour to serve and represent you and all members of the College over the past two years.
29 March
I’m sure all of you have watched the conflict that's emerged in Ukraine over the last few weeks with a growing sense of disbelief and horror.
25 February
Today, I need to talk to you about our recent exam problems. These most recent issues are very stressful for our trainees, DPEs, supervisors and staff, as well as their families. We, as a College, regret they have occurred and are individually contacting the affected trainees.
1 February
For this, my first message of the year, I would like to wish you a happy and prosperous 2022 and thank you for your dedication to your work during the past year, because of this pandemic.