Pomegranate Health


Welcome to Pomegranate Health a podcast about the culture of medicine. This is also the home of [IMJ On-Air], Pomegranate [Journal Club] and [Case Studies] for Trainees. 

We are currently recruiting new members to join the Podcast Editorial Group.

Key responsibilities of members are to
(1) Discuss potential podcast topics and prioritise them for development of new episodes
(2) For a chosen topic, suggest themes to explore and people to interview
(3) Listen to audio drafts before publication and provide feedback to the producer on content and structure

Group communication is entirely by email and there's a time commitment of 90 minutes per month which can be recognised in CPD credits. It’s helpful for applicants to be familiar with other podcasts or education platforms.

Please download an application form and return it by 31st January 2025 to podcast@racp.edu.au


IMJ On-Air_strip 


Search for ‘Pomegranate Health’ in Apple PodcastsSpotifyCastbox or any podcasting app. For some apps, you may need to import this RSS feed. It also provides a single page you can search for topics that might interest you in specific podcast episodes. You can also sign up for an email alert when a new episode is published about once a month.


At each episode page there is a MyCPD link for Fellows to log hours of participation in a Category 1 Educational activity. Consider "levelling up" this experience into a Category 2 Performance Review activity. For example, you could organise peers into a journal club to discuss the podcast. This could be done in person, or virtually.

Reflect on aspects of the story that relate to your own practice and how it could be improved and visit MyCPD Handbook for further guidance or discussion templates.

Latest episodes

Ep121: Precision oncology explained
[Case Report] 35yo male with proximal weakness and skin changes
[Case Report] 47yo with rapidly progressive respiratory failure requiring ECMO
[Journal Club] Thrombolysis up to 24hr after ischaemic stroke
[Case Report] 48yo with diarrhoea and lymphadenopathy
[Guest Lecture] Fighting hepatitis C in prisons and the community
Ep115: One day as a nuclear medicine registrar
[IMJ On-Air] Understanding readmissions better
[Case Report] 58yo with acute myeloid leukaemia and diplopia
Ep112: The resilient workplace
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