

Read our FAQs to learn about how COVID-19 changes affect your training and how we're supporting you.

Basic Training

Basic Training is the first step to become a physician. Learn more about the program and how to apply.

Advanced Training

Advanced Training is the final step to become a physician. Learn more about the 38 specialties, program requirements and how to apply or re-register.


Examinations test your knowledge and clinical skills on your path to become a physician. Learn more about key dates, how to apply and how to prepare.

Application dates

Important dates for applying to Basic and Advanced Training.

New curricula

See how we're redesigning, developing and implementing new curricula across our Basic Training and Advanced Training Programs.

Accredited settings

Browse the full list of RACP-accredited hospitals and health service settings.

Recognition of Prior Learning

The Recognition of Prior Learning process allows previous experience to be formally recognised towards Basic Training. Find out how to apply.

Flexible training options

Flexible training options are available for trainees. Learn more about part-time training, interrupted training and withdrawing from training.

Education policies and governance

Learn more about our education policies, research, evaluation and professional behaviour standards.

Trainee support

Learn more about resources and services available to support you throughout training.

Trainee responsibilities

Learn more about your responsibilities as a trainee.

Training resources

Browse presentations and resources developed to support your continued learning.


Learn about resources and services available to support your health and wellbeing.

Specialist Training Program Initiative

The Specialist Training Program aims to increase training for specialist registrars outside traditional hospitals. Learn more about the program.

Physician Training Survey

The Physician Training Survey allows trainees and educators to share their views. Learn more about the survey and past results.

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