Policy and Advocacy Library
The library is the culmination of the collaborative work of RACP members and comprises a comprehensive range of evidence-based, published RACP position statements, policies and submissions.
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Occupational medicine
This submission provides the College’s feedback on the New South Wales State Insurance Regulatory Authority’s (SIRA) draft health outcomes and reporting framework for the NSW Workers Compensation and CTP schemes. It stresses that the Framework needs to:
• highlight the importance of identifying and managing psychosocial risk factors as part of value-based healthcare
• acknowledge the important role different health professionals play in the schemes
• acknowledge the important role employers play in improving return to work outcomes
• make clear that motor accidents affect individuals across the age spectrum
• make the best use of data to measure health outcomes
Occupational medicine
This submission to the NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) provides feedback on proposed advice SIRA developed for CTP insurers and health professionals who are supporting insurer decisions about earning capacity.
Occupational medicine
This RACP submission includes a rapid review of the most recent evidence on biotoxin-related illnesses produced by reputable medical professional bodies and studies published in peer-reviewed journals.
Occupational medicine
This RACP submission to the Senate Inquiry into the management of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in and around Defence bases has been led by the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) Policy & Advocacy Committee. It focuses on the following key issues:
• Health advice and risk communication including conveying the importance of the exposure-response relationship to the public
• Communication and coordination between agencies of the Commonwealth and other jurisdictions
• Exposure and contamination monitoring
• The precautionary principle
Occupational medicine
Monash University has prepared a draft guideline on the diagnosis and management of work-related mental health conditions. The guideline aims to provide general practitioners with the best available evidence that they need to assist them in the diagnosis and management of work-related mental health conditions in their patients. This document provides AFOEM’s response to this public consultation.
Occupational medicine
The Guide to Pregnancy and Work has been produced by the Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) of the RACP to provide general information and advice regarding workplace pregnancy issues for pregnant women in the workplace, women of reproductive capacity who are at work, employers, post-partum employees and health professionals. This Guide is not intended to be a substitute for specific advice for women of reproductive capacity, pregnant employees, or post-partum employees, from their general practitioner, gynaecologist, obstetrician or other relevant health practitioner. As far as possible, the information outlined in this Guide is based on the best available evidence at the time of writing. Where no evidence or data is available the information has been based on guidelines and best practice from expert organisations which are referenced throughout.
Published in
Qld, Australia
Occupational medicine
AFOEM’s feedback on the Queensland Government’s consultation paper titled 'Spirometry for the Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme - Next steps in planning reform'
Published in
Qld, Australia
Occupational medicine
AFOEM’s submission to the Queensland Government’s Select Committee Inquiry into coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP)
Occupational medicine
Occupational medicine