The RACP CPD Home banner

We're your CPD Home

All Australian-based medical practitioners are required to select a CPD Home and meet the CPD requirements of that home.

A CPD Home is an organisation accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) to provide a CPD program for medical practitioners.

We have a long history as an AMC accredited CPD provider for both physicians and paediatricians in Australia. We understand how to support you to meet your specialist regulatory requirements, and we can offer our members tailored guidance throughout the annual CPD cycle.


There are plenty of benefits of completing your CPD through us, including access to:

How do I make the RACP my CPD Home?


If you're an RACP Fellow already participating in our MyCPD program, you don’t need to do anything to keep us as your CPD Home. You can start or continue logging your activities via the MyCPD platform.

If you hold a dual Fellowship with the RACP and another specialist medical college, you'll need to select a CPD Home which best meets your scope of practice. CPD activities recorded in your chosen CPD Home will need to reflect each specialty or scope of practice.

Australian-based trainees

If you’re actively training with the College in an accredited training position, your training will satisfy these new CPD requirements, and we manage all administration and regulatory reporting on your behalf. 

If you interrupt your training for more than 6 months, and don’t meet the exemption criteria for parental or medical leave, you'll need to nominate a CPD Home and meet the requirements.

Find out more about:

Non-member access - CPD User

The RACP MyCPD program is also suitable for medical practitioners who are not Fellows but may find our CPD program relevant and useful to their practice. To join the RACP MyCPD program as a CPD User, complete and submit the CPD User enrolment form (DOC).

Refer to The Medical Board of Australia’s revised CPD registration standard or The Medical Council of New Zealand’s (MCNZ) Te Kaunihera Rata o Aotearoa strengthened recertification requirements for guidance.

If you're unsure about your CPD requirements, you can contact us for further information.

Support and resources

If you choose to do your CPD through the RACP, we'll support you to comply with your CPD requirements – whatever your individual circumstances may be. You may already be completing activities that meet the new CPD requirements in your everyday practice and we can help you identify these.

Visit the CPD homepage, explore the MyCPD Handbook, or call us on +61 (0)2 9256 5444 to get started.

Continue learning with the RACP

Your Fellowship means you belong to the RACP CPD Home. You've never stopped learning. We’re here to make sure that continues.

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