Quick facts
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians occupies a unique place in Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand healthcare systems.
- We have over 30,000 members across:
- 2 Divisions — Adult Medicine and Paediatrics & Child Health
- 3 Faculties — Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Public Health Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine
- 4 Chapters — Addiction Medicine, Community Child Health, Palliative Medicine and Sexual Health Medicine
- We train, support and set standards for a wide range of specialties, including cardiology, medical oncology, public health and 30 other programs.
- We support lifelong learning through innovative, continuing professional development opportunities across a breadth of specialties
- We have an impact on a wide range of health issues through leadership in policy and advocacy in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
- We are a respected supporter of research. The RACP Foundation offers awards, fellowships, scholarships, grants and prizes to encourage medical students and graduates to consider careers as physicians. We support physician education and enable exceptional Fellow and trainee members to engage in research.
By providing dedicated support to our members, we strive for excellence in health and medical care through lifelong learning, quality performance and advocacy.