Ward Service Consultant (Rotational Supervisor)
A Ward Service Consultant (Rotational Supervisor) is a clinician who actively supervises and supports a Basic Trainee with the main clinical tools in the PREP program, the Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) and the mini-CEX.
- provide direct educational support
- facilitate the development of knowledge and skills outlined in the Basic Training Curricula
- model exceptional clinical practice and procedures
- conduct work-based assessments eg mini-CEX
- provide regular and timely feedback on a trainee’s progress and achievement
- guide trainees' learning plans through completion of the Learning Needs Analysis
- complete Ward Service Consultant Reports*
*These completed reports are not required to be sent to the College at this stage, it is recommended that the trainee provide this report to the Educational Supervisor to inform the mid-year and end of year progress reports.
Note: Basic Trainees usually have at least one Ward Service Consultant (Rotational Supervisor) per rotation.
To apply
A Ward/Service Consultant is a clinician but may not be a Fellow of the RACP. Please speak to the DPE at your hospital/training site to find out more.