Basic Training Supervision

Supervisor roles, responsibilities ​and how to apply

Director of Physician or Paediatric Education (DPE)

A Director of Physician or Paediatric Education (DPE) takes a macro level approach to foster a link between the RACP and a training site.

Current Directors of Physician or Paediatric Education (DPEs)


  • Provide leadership within their workplace or geographic area
  • Oversee the Basic Training program and provide support for Basic Trainees within their training site(s)
  • Provide support to Educational Supervisors and Ward/ Service Consultants
  • Establish and facilitate local support networks
  • Complete program administrative work as required

To apply

All accredited training sites for Basic Training except secondment sites have a DPE.

  1. Discuss your interest with the current DPE (or Network Director) and Director of Medical Services (DMS). This could be an opportunity for succession planning, or for you to become a Deputy DPE.
  2. Send a brief nomination letter from the Director of Medical Services, or equivalent at the training site, addressed to ‘The Chair, Divisional Basic Training Committee’ and your CV outlining you teaching and supervision experience to (Australia) or (New Zealand).
See the Director of Physician or Paediatric Education page for more information.

Educational Supervisor (ES)

An Educational Supervisor (ES) assists the DPE at their site by assembling the evidence of educational activity and progress generated by the trainees assigned to them. 


  • Work in collaboration with the DPE to provide support for Basic Trainees within your training site(s)
  • Oversee the training program for a small group of three to five of Basic Trainees within your hospital.
  • Meet with each trainee at least twice per year to assess their progress and use the feedback from the formative assessments (Mini-CEX), learning tools (Learning Needs Analysis) and Ward/Service Consultant reports to help inform and complete the mid and end of year progress.
  • Provide regular and timely feedback.
  • Provide assistance with training and assessment.
  • Complete program administrative work as required by the DPE.

To apply

There is usually at least one ES within a hospital or training site for Basic Training. Ideally an ES remains in this role for the duration of the training program or at least while the trainee is at your site.

  • You must be a Fellow of the RACP (Adult Medicine Division) or a Fellow of the RACP or other Specialty College (Paediatrics & Child Health Division).
  • You can self-nominate by emailing a Basic Training supervisor nomination form (DOC) to (Australia) and (Aotearoa New Zealand).
  • You can be nominated by a trainee as part of their annual application for Basic Training after discussing the nomination with you or the DPE.

Ward Service Consultant (Rotational Supervisor)

A Ward Service Consultant (Rotational Supervisor) is a clinician who actively supervises and supports a ​Basic ​Trainee with the main clinical tools in the PREP program,  the Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) and the mini-CEX.


  • provide direct educational support
  • facilitate the development of knowledge and skills outlined in the Basic Training Curricula
  • model exceptional clinical practice and procedures
  • conduct work-based assessments eg mini-CEX
  • provide regular and timely feedback on a trainee’s progress and achievement
  • guide trainees' learning plans through completion of the Learning Needs Analysis
  • complete Ward Service Consultant Reports*

*These completed reports are not required to be sent to the College at this stage, it is recommended that the trainee provide this report to the Educational Supervisor to inform the mid-year and end of year progress reports.

Note: Basic Trainees usually have at least one Ward Service Consultant (Rotational Supervisor) per rotation.

To apply

A Ward/Service Consultant is a clinician but may not be a Fellow of the RACP. Please speak to the DPE at your hospital/training site to find out more.

Professional Development Advisor (PDA)

A (PDA) facilitates a Basic Trainee’s personal and professional development, guided by the Professional Qualities Curriculum.


  • Facilitate the personal and professional development of your trainees and motivate them to reflect on non-clinical professional skills as identified in the Professional Qualities Curriculum.
  • Meet with your trainees at least twice a year to provide feedback on their reflections as documented by them in the online Professional Qualities Reflection (PQR) tool. The PQR tool helps trainees to record their reflection of an event (either positive or negative) to inform future practice, insight and new knowledge.
  • Facilitate critical review and reflection on a trainee's practice through discussion
  • Provide timely and comprehensive feedback on a trainee’s progress and achievement


There is only one PDA per basic trainee. Ideally this PDA would remain in this role for the duration of the trainee's basic physician training.

You do not have to be an RACP Fellow. You may also be a Ward/Service Consultant (term supervisor), or Advanced Trainee, etc.

Changes to supervisory roles and responsibilities

A selection process will be introduced from December 2018 as part ofthe Supervisor Support Strategy.

General information

Monitoring trainee performance

Trainee work-based performance is monitored online through the Basic Training Portal.

Accessing past trainees' records

You can access a past trainee's record in the Basic Training Portal up to two months after they finish your term or hospital rotation.

How are assessment requirements set for Basic Training?

The Divisional Basic Training Committees oversee Basic Training and set annual minimum assessment requirements for basic trainees.

View assessment requirements and updates on the Basic Training Portal.

Read the Standards for RACP Assessment Programs

Training program requirements

All Basic Trainees, including pre-PREP trainees who registered before 2008, must fulfil the requirements of the PREP program as outlined in the Basic Training handbooks and on the Basic Training portal.

Trainees may not be eligible to apply for the Basic Training Divisional Examinations until these requirements are complete.

Continuing Basic Trainees who have completed three years of training and associated requirements, but have not yet passed the Divisional Written Examination or Divisional Clinical Examination must continue to register with the RACP each year for training, work at an accredited Basic Training site and complete the annual PREP tool requirements.

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