Policy and Advocacy Library
The library is the culmination of the collaborative work of RACP members and comprises a comprehensive range of evidence-based, published RACP position statements, policies and submissions.
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The RACP submitted to Pharmac | Te Pātaka Whaioranga and Medsafe to support the proposed change in regulatory and funding restrictions to improve ongoing access to care for ADHD, provided that this is balanced with carefully considered models of care focusing on patient safety.
The RACP and its Western Australian Committee are committed to advocating for the development of policies that are based on evidence, informed by the knowledge and expertise of physicians, and that benefit the health of Western Australians and the WA healthcare system.
The RACP is concerned about the lack of focus on health throughout the BPS 2025, as well as no mention of climate change and no clear consideration of the Government’s obligations under te Tiriti o Waitangi. The RACP calls for the BPS to provide more detail on how it will strategically invest across multiple budgets to address the societal factors that affect health. The RACP asks that the Government continues to support labour intensive services and public health as a specialist service. The College supports the additional funding to Pharmac, including up to 26 cancer treatments.
Our 2025 Australian Federal Budget submission calls on the Government to deliver funding for the healthcare Australia urgently needs. As our population ages and our health becomes more complex, our submission centres on the crucial connection between patient outcomes and the supply, distribution and resilience of the specialist medical workforce.
Our recommendations would improve care for patients, specialist training and the specialist workforce, enhance health access and equity for priority populations, prevent drivers of disease, and reduce the carbon footprint of health systems.
The RACP opposes the proposed Regulatory Standards Bill, citing concerns about its content and implications for Aotearoa New Zealand's constitutional framework. The Bill disregards Te Tiriti o Waitangi, prioritises property rights over environmental and community wellbeing, and fails to address equity, social justice, and systemic inequalities affecting Māori.
Our submission to the TGA Consultation: Medicine shortages and discontinuations - Reportable medicines and timeframes for reporting discontinuations expresses support for the TGA regulatory proposal to extend the minimum timeframe for reporting of medicines shortages and discontinuations and to expand the reportable medicines determination to include a range of non-prescription medicines. It further urges the TGA to implement technological surveillance systems needed to monitor shortages and make the regulations effective. It also encourages the TGA to develop further capacity for proactive outreach to the RACP and its specialty societies in the interests of responsive practitioner alerts and to optimise timely patient care without avoidable disruptions to treatment.
The RACP strongly opposes the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, viewing it as an incorrect and misleading interpretation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi that undermines Aotearoa New Zealand’s constitution and prejudices against Māori, representing an act of bad faith. The RACP urges the Justice Committee to recommend against the Bill's second reading and highlighted concerns about the Bill's potential negative impact on Māori
Child health and young adult medicine
This RACP submission to the Social Services and Community Committee strongly supports the provisions of the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Legislation Amendment Bill. RACP supports plans to make the Aroturuki Tamariki | the Independent Children’s Monitor an Independent Crown Entity (ICE) and to replace the Children and Young People's Commission’s five-member board structure with a sole Children’s Commissioner.
The RACP welcomes the development of Disability Foundational (General) Supports to complement the NDIS and mainstream services, aiming to empower people with disability, their families, and carers through capacity-building, inclusion, and advocacy.