Training resources

Browse presentations and resources developed for trainees by RACP Fellows and expert practitioners to support continued learning as you progress through your training program.

AFOEM resources

See AFOEM Annual Training Meeting presentations and supporting resources, presented by Fellows and invited experts.

AFPHM resources

AFPHM Fellows and public health medicine experts offer resources through their training presentations and the National Training Days.

AFRM resources

Access a collection of videos and presentation documents covering an array of topics presented by Fellows and experts at past AFRM training events.

College Learning Series

The College Learning Series is a comprehensive online library of lectures for Basic Trainees that is mapped to the Basic Training Knowledge Guides.

Divisional Clinical Examination

Tips, advice and information for trainees on how to succeed in the Divisional Clinical Examination.

Pomegranate Health Podcast

Featuring case reports designed to help trainees with long-case presentations, as well as insights into the culture and practice of medicine.

See other member resources

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