RACP Online Learning
Launch RACP Online Learning
RACP Online Learning is home to all online learning opportunities for trainees, overseas trained physicians, and for Fellows’ continuing professional development. It hosts a range of online learning courses, resources, curated collections and podcasts.
It also hosts the College Learning Series, a growing resource of interactive online lectures, mapped to the College curricula and specifically targeted to the needs of Basic Trainees.
Online Learning Resources cover a wide range of topics, including:
- Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori Cultural Competence
- Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine
- Addiction Medicine
- Communication, Leadership and Management
- Clinical audit
- College Learning Series
- Critical Care
- Ethics
- Indigenous Health
- Overseas Trained Physicians (OTP)
- Quality and Safety
- Research
- Rural Health
- Palliative Medicine
- Sexual Health Medicine
- Supervisor Professional Development
Resources are developed by expert Fellows in collaboration with College staff. Contact us to help us develop new resources.