College Council

The Board established the College Council in 2015 to act as its peak advisory body on strategic and cross-College issues.

The College Council responds to issues the Board refers to it and raises issues to the Board that the College Council feels need consideration.

The composition of the College Council enables a variety of member and non-member perspectives to be heard in a single forum.

The Council is a representative body of up to 47 Fellows and trainees that includes:

  • a Fellow appointed by the Aotearoa New Zealand Committee
  • a representative from each of the 26 identified Education Pathways (including Chapters) within the College
  • a Fellow appointed by each RACP Division Council
  • a Fellow appointed by each RACP Faculty Council
  • up to 4 trainees appointed by the College Trainees’ Committee
  • a Fellow appointed by each of the 7 Australian Regional Committees
  • a Māori representative and an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander representative, who may be Fellows, trainees or non-members of the RACP
  • a consumer representative from the RACP appointed Consumer Advisory Group or an approved delegate
  • the Chair of the College Education Committee

For more information, read the College Council By-law (PDF).

The College Council has established two working groups to further key initiatives:

Council composition

College Council composition diagram

RACP Board Directors may attend Council meetings.


Chair Associate Professor Catherine O'Connor
Deputy Chair vacant
Australian regional representatives
New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory Dr Sayontonee Ghosh
Northern Territory vacant 
Queensland Professor Tony Rahman
South Australia Associate Professor Andrew Lee
Tasmania vacant
Victoria Associate Professor Annabel Martin
Western Australia Dr Poh-Kooi Loh

2024 Meeting dates

Tuesday 19 March 2024 | Zoom
Thursday 6 June 2024 | Zoom
Thursday 19 September 2024 | In person Board and Council Strategy Day
Friday 1 November 2024 | Zoom

For all College Council enquiries, contact the Council Secretariat at

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