1. General
2. Fellow subscriptions and Admission to Fellowship
3. Training Fees
4. Examination Fees
5. Overseas Trained Physician Training and Assessment
1. General
These Terms and Conditions apply to all fees charged by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP).
1.1 Definitions
1.1.1 The following terms have the same meaning as in the Constitution of the RACP: 'Board', 'College Body', 'Fellow', 'Honorary Fellow', 'Honorary Treasurer', 'Member' and 'Trainee'.
In addition:
1.1.2 'Exemption' means any waiver of, or reduction in, the amount of any price or fee.
1.1.3 'RACP Price List' means the list(s) of fees, prices and charges set out in the RACP Price List as posted on the RACP website from time to time.
1.1.4 The 'Subscription Year' means the period from the 1 January to 31 December.
1.2 Fees and Prices
1.2.1 The Board determines "entrance fees (admission fees), annual subscriptions and other fees payable by all classes of membership of the College” under the Constitution (S7.4.2).
1.2.2 The RACP reserves the right to amend any fees and prices charged at any time and without notice.
1.2.3 All fees, prices,and charges are subject to the taxes applicable, in the country in which the payment is made, including, but not limited to, Goods and Services Tax (GST), in accordance with the legislation applicable at the time of invoicing.
1.2.4 Unless otherwise specified, all fees invoiced in Australian dollars are payable in Australian dollars, and fees invoiced in New Zealand dollars are payable in New Zealand dollars.
1.2.5 The RACP will issue a tax invoice or receipt upon payment, as applicable.
1.3 Payment Terms
1.3.1 All amounts payable to the RACP must be made:
- in full by the due date stated
- using the payment methods prescribed from time to time, and
- in the currency stated
1.3.2 Where amounts remain unpaid after the due date, the RACP reserves the right to charge a late payment fee as set out in the RACP Price List.
1.4 Payment Methods
1.4.1 The following payment methods are accepted:
Method |
Australia |
New Zealand |
Credit Card1 |
Y |
Y |
Bank draft |
Y |
Y |
Cheque |
Y |
Y |
BPay |
Y |
N |
Direct Debit |
Y |
N |
1 MasterCard, Visa and American Express
1.5 Income Tax Deduction
1.5.1 The RACP makes no representation that the payment of any amount, subscription, or fee will be accepted by the authorities as an income tax deduction and the RACP suggests independent advice should be sought.
1.6 Disclaimer
1.6.1 Whilst the RACP makes every attempt to ensure that all information pertaining to fees and prices is correct at the time of publication it accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions.
1.6.2 The RACP may revise these terms and conditions from time-to-time. Revised terms and conditions will apply from the date of the publication of the revised terms and conditions on the RACP website. Please check this page regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version.
2. Fellow subscriptions and Admission to Fellowship
These Terms and Conditions apply to all Fees charged by the RACP for Fellow subscriptions and Admission to Fellowship, and are in addition to the General Terms and Conditions.
2.1.1 The following terms have the same meaning as in the Constitution of the RACP: 'College', 'Fellow', 'Fellowship', 'Honorary Fellow', and 'Trainee'.
In addition:
2.1.2 'Life Fellow' means a Fellow over 70 years of age, or whose 70th birthday falls within the current Subscription Year.
2.1.3 'Con-Joint Fellow' means a Member with a Fellowship of more than one Division, Faculty, and/or Chapter.
2.1.4 'Retired Fellow' means a Fellow who advises the College that they have retired from clinical practice, terminated their medical registration, and is no longer required to undertake CPD.
2.1.5 'Overseas Fellow' means a Fellow whose primary domicile is not in Australia or New Zealand, and who nominates themselves as being an ‘Overseas Resident’.
2.2.Subscription fees
2.2.1 Subscription fees are payable annually. Fellows of the College who are not exempt (see section 2.7) will be issued a subscription renewal notice, indicating the amount due, and due date(s) for payment.
- A Con-Joint Fellow will be charged only one annual subscription fee.
- Fellows whose primary domicile is Australia or New Zealand will be charged in the currency of their country of domicile.
- Fellows whose primary residence is outside of Australia or New Zealand as at 1 January of the subscription year will be charged the overseas subscription fee. The invoice will be in either Australian or New Zealand dollars, whichever was their last country of residence before moving overseas.
2.2.2 Subscription fees can be paid in full or via monthly direct debit for Australian invoices or in 3 equal instalments for Aotearoa NZ invoices.
2.2.3 All instalment payments will need to be paid by the dates stated on the Subscription notice.
2.3 Admission fees
2.3.1 Admission fees are payable in full on application for Fellowship.
2.3.2 An application for admission to Fellowship may only progress when all monies due to the RACP have been paid in full2.
2.3.3 All new Fellows admitted to Fellowship during the Subscription Year will pay a pro-rata subscription fee calculated from the date of admission.
2.3.4 Subscription fees, if applicable, are payable in full on application to Fellowship.
2 RACP Constitution, Section 2.6
2.4 Termination for Default
2.4.1 Fellows with subscription fees outstanding after the due date will be issued with reminders via mail or email.
2.4.2 Where a subscription remains unpaid after a period of 12 calendar months from the due date for payment, the Fellow shall:
- cease to be a member of the RACP
- be removed from the RACP Register, and
- lose all rights and privileges of membership
2.5 Re-admission
2.5.1 Former members seeking to regain Fellowship must follow the process for readmission outlined in the Re-admission to Fellowship Policy.
2.5.2 Fellows terminated for non-payment of fees are not eligible for readmission until all arrears are paid.
2.5.3 Applications for re-admission are decided by resolution of the Board and may be granted subject to conditions.
2.5.4 Fellows must provide evidence of meeting continuing professional development requirements.
2.5.5 Applications for readmission due to non-payment of fees received within 6 months of termination will be managed under section 6 of the Re-admission to Fellowship Policy
2.6 Donations
2.6.1 Subscription notices sent to Fellows may include the opportunity (but not an obligation) to make a contribution to the RACP Foundation.
2.6.2 The donations are not fees. If Fellows wish to contribute, they may pay the amount indicated on the notice. If not, they may choose the 'opt-out' option on the subscription notice, and pay only the subscription fees stated on the notice.
2.6.3 Fellows may make a discretionary donation for an amount of their choice to the RACP Foundation, either in place of or together with the fixed amount indicated on the subscription notice.
2.6.4 Donations will be allocated to either the Australian or the New Zealand RACP Foundation to fund awards or research and education initiatives.
2.7 Exemptions
2.7.1 Full Exemptions
The following categories of member are exempt from annual subscription fees:
- Honorary Fellows
- Life Fellows
- Retired Fellows
- Fellows that are enrolled in a post-Fellowship training program and are undertaking approved training (although such Fellows are required to pay the annual training fee for their program).
2.7.2 Partial Exemptions
The College may grant a partial Exemption from the annual subscription, if a Fellow fulfils the requirements outlined on the Fellow Exemption form.
2.7.3 If a Fellow advises of an increase in taxable income during the Subscription Year taking earnings outside the fee Exemption criteria, they will be invoiced to pay the subscription fee difference.
2.7.4 Members admitted as Fellows in the same year as they have paid a MyCPD fee are not required to pay an annual subscription fee for the first year of their Fellowship.
2.7.5 Any Exemption is only applicable in the year in which it is granted.
2.7.6 The decision of the Honorary Treasurer is final and the Reconsideration, Review, and Appeals Process By-Law does not apply.
2.8 CPD Late Administration Fee
2.8.1 A fee is payable for processing of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) records submitted after the CPD deadline.
2.8.2 The fee covers the cost of reopening the program and reviewing late submissions.
2.9 CPD Alternative Submission Fee
2.9.1 A fee is payable for processing of CPD records not submitted through the online recording program.
2.9.2 The fee covers the cost of processing, recording and reviewing alternative submissions.
2.9.3 The fee is payable on submission of the alternative CPD record.
2.10 Refunds
2.10.1 Annual subscription fees are only refundable where a Fellow has paid their fees, and subsequently submits an Exemption application form as set out above. The Fellow will be refunded the difference between the subscription amount paid and the subscription amount after Exemptions.
2.10.2 Any refund payments will be made by the original payment method. If it is not possible to refund payments by the original payment method, the RACP will deposit the refund into the Fellow’s nominated bank account.
2.10.3 Admission fees (paid under clause 2.3) are not refundable.
3. Training Fees
These Terms and Conditions apply to all fees charged by the RACP for training and assessment and are in addition to the General Terms and Conditions.
3.1.Training Fees
3.1.1 Training fees must be paid in full for each training period or rotation cycle.
3.1.2 The training fee payable will be determined based on the approved full or part time training to be undertaken. If training is part time, the fee will be charged on a pro-rata basis.
3.1.3 Fellows enrolled in a post-Fellowship training program are exempt from paying the Subscription fee for the years of which they are undertaking approved training. Fellows are required to pay the annual training fee for their training program.
3.1.4 When training is approved, the Trainee will be issued an invoice, payment for which is due 30 days from the date of issue. Unless on an instalment plan.
3.1.5 Trainees undertaking dual training (simultaneous training in two or more training programs during the same period) will be exempt from paying additional annual training fees for the additional training programs.
3.1.6 For Trainees undertaking dual training the training fee applicable will be the highest of the fees for the training programs undertaken.
3.1.7 The overseeing committee will not consider completion of a training rotation/program where the trainee has outstanding financial obligations to the College.
3.1.8 Additional fees may be payable upon making any late application for training/registration.
3.2 Exemptions
3.2.1 Trainees in research roles are entitled to a 50% Exemption on the training fees if they fulfil the requirements outlined on the exemption criteria form.
3.2.2 Trainees in an overseas Dermatology Domain 2 position are eligible for a 50% reduction of the training fees during mandatory overseas training if they fulfill the requirements on the exemption criteria form.
3.2.3 Trainees in financial difficulty may apply to the Honorary Treasurer for fee reduction. The reason must be stated clearly, and evidence provided. Decision will be based on equity and fairness.
3.3 Recognition of Prior Learning Application fee
3.3.1 A non-refundable Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Application fee is payable upon application for approval of any period of RPL.
3.4 Instalment Payments
3.4.1 Aotearoa NZ full time Trainees undertaking 12 months of training may, if no exemptions are claimed, make payment in 2 equal instalments. These instalments are due in May and October of the training year.
3.4.2 Monthly Direct debit payment option is available on certain Australian Invoices.
3.5 Termination for Default
3.5.1 Where any training fee remains outstanding 12 months after the payment due date, under the RACP Constitution (Section 4), the Trainee shall:
- cease to be a member of the RACP
- be removed from the RACP Register, and
- lose all rights and privileges of membership
3.6 Refunds
3.6.1 Refunds will be provided for:
- site accreditation changes during a training program that affect how much training can be certified, and
- involuntary or voluntary discontinuation by the College for training periods not yet undertaken
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Māori and/or Pasifika trainees who have been granted a reimbursement through the College’s Fee Reimbursement Initiative
3.6.2 Refund amounts will be calculated based on the approved training period or rotation cycle not commenced or as granted through the Fee Reimbursement Initiative.
3.6.3 Dual Trainees within the College who withdraw from one training program will not be eligible for a training fee refund.
4. Examination Fees
These Terms and Conditions apply to all fees charged by the RACP for examinations, including written, oral, practical, clinical, and supplementary clinical examinations.
These apply in addition to the General Terms and Conditions.
4.1 Examination fees
4.1.1 A fee is payable upon application to sit a College examination.
4.1.2 All Training Fees for current and preceding years must be paid in full before a Trainee is eligible to sit an examination. Trainees will be notified on application if they are ineligible.
4.2 Disqualification
4.2.1 All fees must be paid prior to the examination date. Any outstanding fees will result in the candidate being disqualified to sit the examination.
4.3 Refunds
4.3.1 Written notice of withdrawal from the examination must be received before the closing date for applications, and must be approved by the RACP in order to receive a refund.
- Withdrawals prior to the application closing date are eligible for a full fee refund.
- Withdrawals made post application closing but four calendar weeks prior to the exam date are eligible for a 50% refund.
- Withdrawals less than four calendar weeks of the exam date are not eligible for a refund.
4.3.2 Candidates who fail to appear for the examination will forfeit all fees.
4.3.3 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Māori and/or Pasifika Indigenous candidates trainees who have been granted a reimbursement of exam costs (first attempt only) through the College’s Fee Reimbursement Initiative will be refunded accordingly.
5. Overseas Trained Physician Training and Assessment
These Terms and Conditions apply to all fees charged by the RACP for assessment of the qualifications of Overseas Trained Physicians in Australia and are in addition to the General Terms and Conditions.
5.1 Definitions
5.1.1 'Overseas Trained Physician' (OTP) means overseas trained physicians who are seeking specialist recognition of their overseas training and qualifications.
5.1.2 'Top Up Training' (TUT) means training that an OTP assessed as partially comparable may need to undertake.
5.1.3 'Peer Review' (PR) means a period of practice during which an overseas trained physician is reviewed by at least two RACP Fellows who hold over 12 months standing.
5.1.4 'Practice Visit Report' means a report provided to the overseas trained physician subcommittee outlining an OTP’s level of practice against that expected of an Australian trained physician.
5.1.5 'Area of Need' positions are declared by State or Territory government authorities in locations where there is a shortage of medical specialists. These are often in rural or remote areas.
5.2 OTP Application and Assessment fees
5.2.1 There are fees at each stage of the specialist assessment and area of need assessment processes. Applicants should be aware of the required fees before submitting an application to the RACP. At each stage, application assessment will not advance until the required fees have been paid. OTP fees do not cover RACP examinations or external training modules.
5.3 OTP Application submission fee
5.3.1 A fee is payable for submission of an application for assessment of an Overseas Trained Physician’s specialist training, qualifications and experience to seek registration as a specialist.
5.3.2 The fee covers the submission of the application and review of the documentation to progress to when the interview can be arranged, if the applicant is eligible to be assessed.
5.3.3 An application will not progress without payment of the application submission fee.
5.4 OTP Assessment of comparability fee
5.4.1 A fee is payable for assessment to determine the requirements an OTP applicant must complete for them to be recognised through the specialist pathway.
5.4.2 The fee covers the assessment of comparability including the interview (excluding videoconferencing costs) and assessment by the College.
5.4.3 The fee is payable before the interview date is confirmed. The assessment of comparability is completed when the level of practice of the OTP applicant is determined and compared to the standard expected of an Australian trained physician. A decision on comparability will be provided to the applicant.
5.4.4 Any video conferencing call expenses incurred by the College may be charged to the OTP applicant at the College’s discretion.
5.5 OTP work-based assessment annual fee
5.5.1 A fee is payable on application for the approval, monitoring and assessment of TUT and/or PR positions.
5.5.2 The annual period covered by the fee commences on the start date of the TUT or PR positions.
5.5.3 If TUT or PR continues after the first year, a second annual fee is payable.
5.6 Area of Need application submission fee
5.6.1 A fee is payable for submission of each Area of Need application.
5.6.2 The fee covers the assessment of the Area of Need application.
5.6.3 An Area of Need application must be submitted with the OTP application if applying for an Area of Need position at that time. Both the OTP application submission fee and the Area of Need application fee are payable.
5.6.4 If an OTP application has previously been submitted with payment of the OTP application submission fee and the applicant subsequently applies for an Area of Need position, only the Area of Need application needs to be submitted.
5.6.5 An application will not progress without payment of the Area of Need application submission fee.
5.7 Practice Visit Fees
5.7.1 A fee is payable for a practice visit, payable upon submission of the practice visit application.
5.7.2 A practice visit fee includes the cost of the College assessment of an OTP’s level of practice to determine whether it is at the standard expected of an Australian trained physician.
5.7.3 At the conclusion of the practice visit, the assessors will prepare a report to the OTP Subcommittee, and a copy of this report will be sent to the OTP applicant. The OTP Subcommittee will make a decision relating to the OTP’s application for specialist registration. Potential outcomes include awarding specialist recognition, stipulating further requirements such as TUT or practice under PR, or reconsidering the OTP’s comparability with Australian trained specialists.
5.8 Short term specialist training assessment fees
5.8.1 Short-term specialist training applies to doctors who have completed their primary medical degree overseas ('International Medical Graduates' or 'IMG') and:
- are currently undertaking specialist training overseas and who are no more than two years from completion, or
- have completed their specialist training and who wish to obtain experience which is not available in their country of training or practice through working in Australia
5.8.2 A fee is charged for assessing the application of an IMG to determine whether they qualify for short-term registration in Australia under the Short-term Specialised Training Pathway.
5.8.3 The fee is payable for each short-term specialist training position application.
5.9 Continuing Professional Development
5.9.1 OTP assessment candidates are entitled to up to 24 months free access to Continuing Professional Development whilst undertaking TUT or practising under peer review after they have paid the applicable OTP fees.
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