The DoH periodically open funding application rounds, known as expressions of interest (EOI). The last round was in 2018.
Not all successful EOI applications are offered a position because the total number of positions is fixed by the DoH.
STP funds significantly contribute to, but don't fully cover the costs of a Trainee STP position. They're broadly divided into 3 categories:
- Salary support
- Rural Support Loading (RSL)
- Private Infrastructure Clinical Supervision (PICS)
We recommend viewing the decision to apply for funding as part of a mid-to-long term workforce plan.
Apply for funding
Applications through the DoH portal are currently closed.
Learn about how to prepare and apply for the next round of funding.
Funding amounts
Salary support | Up to $105,000 per annum
The training facility is responsible for salary expenses beyond this, including costs such as leave and superannuation.
STP salary support can only be used as a salary contribution for trainees in or rotating through a post. Funding is paid to the legal entity. In some cases, this will be a public teaching hospital, while the trainee rotates to the private hospital or other expanded training setting.
Salary support cannot be used for:
- post-Fellowship training where a Fellow returns to train in another specialty
- general practice training
- direct costs associated with accreditation of posts
- overseas trainees employed by hospitals in other countries seeking a rotation through expanded settings within Australia
- existing, non-STP funded training positions — training positions must be newly created (see STP Operational Framework) *
* Existing STP positions continue to receive funding if they continue to meet the eligibility criteria.
RSL | Up to $25,000 (ex GST) per post per annum
A supplement for additional costs associated with being in a rural area. Read the RSL Guidelines (PDF).
PICS | Up to $30,000 per annum
Supports delivery of the STP in private sector settings for the costs associated with clinical supervision. This is pro-rata for the percentage of training in a rural or private setting. Read the PICS allowance guidelines (PDF).
Calculating funding
STP payments are calculated on information provided in a training setting’s progress reports. Funds can be affected by the:
- number of posts operated by the training setting
- number of trainees placed over the current rotation
- full-time equivalent of the trainees
- trainees’ eligibility for funding
Distributing funds
After approval of the latest 6-monthly progress report, we generate a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI).
The Liaison Officer will receive an email and we make the payment within 2 weeks.
“The big advantage of STP positions is giving you exposure to medicine you don’t otherwise get. These positions don’t actually exist without STP funding.”
— Dr Caroline Stewart
Bega Hospital
Defunding a position
A position can be defunded. We’re required to monitor all STP positions and ensure they continue to comply with the DoH eligibility criteria.
Reasons for defunding a position include:
- position vacant for 2 consecutive 6-monthly reporting periods (12 months)
- training occurring at non-accredited settings
- failure to consistently meet minimum period requirements for training in rural and remote areas
DoH | Australian Government Department of Health
EOI | Funding application rounds are referred to as expressions of interest (EOIs). When applications are open, you can submit your application via the Department of Health.
RACP Assessment Forum | A group of RACP education staff and Fellows tasked with assessing applications according to criteria set out in the Educational Imperative Selection Criteria Form.
RACP Educational Imperative Selection Criteria Form | RACP STP selection criteria used to determine the educational merit of the new position. This form must be completed and submitted as part of the online EOI submission.
Reserve List | The list of successful EOI applications. These applications fulfill all qualifying criteria as determined by the DoH, State or Territory health departments and the RACP STP Assessment Forum.
STP Operational Framework | DoH guidelines for the STP program.
Recruitment FAQs
What type of trainee is suitable for an STP post?
Basic trainees can only be placed in posts approved as Basic Training positions.
Advanced Trainees can only be placed in posts approved as Advanced Training positions.
Suitable trainees:
- dual training trainees if they’re still training for that specialty *
- overseas trained physicians completing peer review training or top-up training
Unsuitable trainees:
- overseas trainees looking to complete a rotation in Australia before returning to their country of origin
- individuals on short term training not registered with us
- trainees registered with other colleges
* For example, a dual training trainee in neurology and cardiology can be placed in a cardiology position if they’re still completing Advanced Training in Cardiology, even if they completed neurology training and are a Fellow.
Can I recruit a Basic Trainee instead of an Advanced Trainee?
A Basic Trainee can be recruited only if the original funding agreement is for that training level.
If the STP funding is for an Advanced Training position and there are difficulties recruiting an Advanced Trainee, report the post as vacant immediately.
We must seek permission from the STP Advisory Group before placing a Basic Trainee in an Advanced Training position. The site must be accredited for Basic Training for this request to be considered and the position cannot be for more than 1 year. Contact us to learn more.
What happens if I can’t recruit a trainee?
If you’re unable to recruit a trainee for an upcoming rotation, advise us immediately. We can provide advice on how to recruit for the next rotation.
We’re required to manage vacant posts and ensure they’re filled at all times. Where posts are vacant for more than 6 months, the STP Vacant Post Policy applies.
Do I need to recruit a replacement for a trainee going on maternity/personal leave?
Yes, STP does not fund maternity or other long-term leave.
The DoH advises that if a post is to be unfilled for more than 6 months, another trainee should be recruited to the post.