In a healthcare context, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) consists of a range of activities undertaken to maintain clinical skills and knowledge, as well as competence in the delivery of patient-centred care.
CPD participation is a requirement for medical registration and annual recertification of medical practitioners in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and RACP Fellows practicing overseas. For more information see the
RACP CPD Participation Policy (PDF)
The Medical Board of Australia’s revised CPD registration standards and The Medical Council of New Zealand’s (MCNZ) Te Kaunihera Rata o Aotearoa strengthened recertification requirements outline the CPD requirements for their registrants.
The College has drawn together core requirements of both regulators to create a robust CPD Framework.
Our College's Framework remains self-directed, allowing you to choose meaningful CPD activities that are relevant to your scope of practice.
MyCPD Home
From 2023, all Australian medical practitioners need to select a CPD Home. From 2024, all medical registrants will need to confirm enrolment and compliance when renewing their medical registration with AHPRA.
A CPD Home is an organisation accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC), to provide a CPD program for medical practitioners.
We have a long history as an AMC and MCNZ accredited CPD provider and we are an accredited CPD home for physicians and paediatricians in Australia. Our online MyCPD program runs on an annual cycle from 1 January to 31 December and is designed to help you meet your specialist regulatory requirements with the guidance and support you need.
RACP Advanced Trainees enrolled in their final year of accredited training may request early access to MyCPD.
Learn more
MyCPD Trainee Support
From January 2024, all Australian-based trainees will need to comply with the new CPD requirements as set by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA).
If you’re actively training with the College in an accredited training position, your training satisfies the new CPD requirements and we manage all administration and regulatory reporting on your behalf.
If you interrupt your training for 6 months or more, and don’t meet the MBA exemption criteria, you'll need to nominate a CPD Home and meet the requirements. Exemptions apply for parental or carer leave, serious illness or other approved circumstances.
See the MBA Registration Standards or contact the CPD team for more information.
The RACP is your natural CPD Home
RACP trainees on interruption: To obtain access to MyCPD, you can nominate the RACP as your CPD Home for a nominal fee.
This administration fee gives you access to track your CPD hours and provides support and guidance on requirements.
You can continue to access online learning including the College Learning Series.
Find out more about The RACP CPD Home and the 2024 MyCPD Framework.
Be proactive if you plan to interrupt your training
Applications for interruption of training can be submitted up to 15 February and 15 August annually. Our CPD team will be in touch if your planned interruption is more than 6 months.
Non-member access
Medical practitioners who aren't RACP Fellows or trainees but who are practising in an RACP specialty, regardless of registration type, can join the MyCPD program and access benefits through an annual subscription fee.
Benefits of MyCPD
By participating you'll be able to:
- use the online MyCPD platform to record your CPD activities, track progress and receive a certificate of completion
- access the MyCPD Handbook for helpful information
- access RACP Online Learning for a wide range of our quality online resources including curated collections and eLearning courses
- receive support from the friendly CPD team for any assistance using the MyCPD platform or help with meeting your CPD requirements
We're here to support you through these changes. For more information, refer to the relevant CPD Framework below or contact us if you have any questions.

MyCPD Framework
MyCPD is a self-reporting tool, specialists are encouraged to confidently use their professional judgement about the categories they use to claim for CPD activities relevant to their scope of practice. As MyCPD is a self-accredited CPD program, the RACP does not formally accredit CPD activities.
The framework reflects the regulators' new registration and recertification requirements.
RACP MyCPD participants can access the MyCPD Handbook using their RACP login details. The Handbook contains comprehensive information on the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand CPD requirements and useful guides showing you how to use MyCPD, as well as activity guidance and online learning resources.