Gender Equity in Medicine

Gender equity in medicine


The College is committed to gender equity, supported by the following principles:

  • Advocating for evidence-based gender equity initiatives in healthcare
  • Embedding gender equity in College activities and culture
  • Enabling change to address barriers and issues to gender equity in medicine
  • Embedding gender diversity in all levels of College leadership

Gender Equity in Medicine Action Plan

The Gender Equity in Medicine Action Plan 2023-2026 (PDF) is based on recommendations from the Gender Equity in Medicine Working Group (GEMWG) Report.

The report sets out 6 recommendations for implementation to better support gender equity in medicine:

  1. Gender equity in medicine is a strategic priority for the College.
  2. Gender representation and equity on College bodies and College leadership is prioritised.
  3. The College is an active advocate for gender equity in medicine.
  4. College policies reflect the Gender Equity in Medicine Principles.
  5. The College is an active supporter of gender equity in medicine activity through external partnerships.
  6. The College establishes a Gender Equity in Medicine College Body to implement the GEM Action Plan and drive member engagement.

GEMWG Report

The GEMWG was approved by the Board in February 2020. The GEMWG’s objective was to undertake preliminary work to define gender equity, understand the gender equity experiences of members, and make recommendations to the Fellowship Committee and Board on the role and actions the College should undertake to improve its support for gender equity in medicine.

The GEMWG Report was approved by the Board in December 2021. The report details the GEMWG’s work over its 1-year term and outlines key findings and insights into the gender equity experiences of members and the systemic barriers to gender equity that they face.

Read the Gender Equity in Medicine Working Group Report (PDF)

Watch the report launch

Gender Equity in Medicine Committee

The Committee has been established for a 3-year term to:

  • transform the GEMWG Report recommendations into an action plan
  • oversee the implementation of this work in collaboration with other areas of the College

For more information, see the Gender Equity in Medicine Committee Terms of Reference (PDF).


Professor Elizabeth Elliott | Chair

Associate Professor Nitin Kapur | Fellowship Committee Representative

Professor Helena Teede | Ex-Officio (Chief Investigator, Advancing Women in Healthcare Leadership program)

Professor Rebecca Grainger | Aotearoa New Zealand Committee Representative

Associate Professor Catherine O'Connor | College Policy and Advocacy Committee Representative

Dr Swati Mukherjee | Membership Diversity Advisory Group Representative

Dr Fabiola Martin | Membership Representative 

Dr Aidan Tan | Co-opted member

vacant | College Education Committee Representative

vacant | College Trainees' Committee Representative

vacant | College Trainees' Committee Representative


Meeting 01-2023 | 30 March 2023

The Gender Equity in Medicine Committee (GEMC) was established by the Fellowship Committee in April 2022 to progress and implement the recommendations of the GEMWG Report . The GEMC convened its most recent meeting face-to-face in Sydney on Thursday 30 March. Below are highlights from the discussions held.

Revision of the Selection into Training Policy

The GEMC were invited to provide feedback to the revision of the College’s Selection into Training Policy. The current iteration of the Selection into Training Policy was approved in 2017, and much of the education landscape has since changed. As such, the proposed revision of the policy focuses on growing the Indigenous workforce, improving cultural safety, ensuring the revision aligns with the College’s Indigenous Strategic Framework, gender equity, diversity and inclusion work, and the Australian Medical Council accreditation standards.

It is estimated that approval will be sought for the revised policy in mid-late 2023, with effect on selection into training decisions for 2025.

Revision of the Flexible Training Policy

A review of the College’s Flexible Training Policy began in November 2022 in response to member feedback regarding gender equity in training. Key committees and stakeholders were given the opportunity to provide feedback on a draft revision of the policy, and following this input, the College Education Committee approved a revised Flexible Training Policy in December 2022. The key amendments to the policy include:

  • removal of the 24-month cap on interrupted training taken due to parental leave
  • removal of the period of interrupted training taken due to certified medical leave
  • reduction of the standard minimum full-time equivalent (FTE) considered eligible for part-time training - previously 0.4 FTE, now 0.2 FTE
  • the introduction of a “return to training plan” concept for trainees who interrupt their training for 24 continuous months or more.

See the full revised Flexible Training Policy (PDF). 

Gender Equity in Medicine Action Plan

GEMC members discussed and began developing the gender equity in medicine action plan that will progress the GEMWG report recommendations. Discussions focused on improving gender representation and equity on College bodies and leadership, gender equity advocacy, and updating College policies and guidelines. The GEMC agreed that aspiring to a minimum of 40 per cent of either gender for all future appointments to College bodies and selection panels, Chairs of committees, award nominees and recipients, and speakers at College events be a key driving element of the action plan.

We hope to be able to share the finalised action plan to the wider College membership in quarter three of 2023.

Professor Elizabeth Elliott
Chair, Gender Equity in Medicine Committee
April 2023


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