Frequently asked questions

We're answering all your questions about the new curriculum and the 2024 transition year.

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Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Advanced Training Research Project
Rehabilitation Medicine


Does the 2024 transition year apply to me?

Only if you start training in 2024 in one of the Wave 1 specialties:

You can't opt to use the previous curriculum standards. Trainees who started before 2024 will continue to follow the PREP program requirements until completion of Advanced Training.

How do I apply for RPL for the new programs?

You should submit the standard Recognition Prior Learning form (DOC) within 3 months of commencing training. RPL applications will be assessed against the new curriculum standards. Please ensure Appendix D is completed using the new curriculum standards.

Refer to Recognition Prior Learning for more information.

Who do I contact if I have questions about my 2024 training year?

Contact us and we'll direct your enquiry to the relevant staff member.

How much does it cost?

There's no fee difference between our Advanced Training Programs. See our Fees for all training related costs.

I'm a trainee in a PREP program and planning on dual training with a Wave 1 program in 2024, how do I find my requirements?

Dual trainees are required to complete all requirements in both program handbooks.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment

What are my 2024 assessment requirements?

You can find your learning, teaching and assessment requirements in the 2024 program handbooks.

How do I submit my assessments?

You complete and submit your requirements on the Advanced Training portal.

Can I double-count assessments if I’m dual training with a PREP curriculum and a new curriculum?

Yes. If you’re a first year trainee enrolled in one of the 6 new curricula in 2024 you’re completing transitional requirements, including existing PREP work-based assessments.

PREP work-based assessments aren’t linked to any specialty curricula, which is why dual training in 2024 will continue to allow you to double-count an assessment towards more than one specialty. You’re still required to meet the minimum requirements for both programs.

The assessment tools planned for the new curricula directly link to the specialty learning goals for the program.

Dual training guidelines will be updated before launching new assessment tools to clarify requirements for trainees undertaking dual training with a PREP curriculum and a new curriculum. We will provide sufficient notice about program requirements for 2025.

What's a Learning Plan and how do I submit it?

The new Learning Plan is for you and your supervisors to identify what learning opportunities are available to achieve your learning goals. The plan is a working Excel document that should be updated regularly (recommended every 3 months).

You're not required to submit your Learning Plan to the College but you should keep a copy for your records. 

I did a Learning Needs Analysis (LNA), do I still need to complete a Learning Plan?

You can use the LNA but we strongly encourage you to also complete a Learning Plan. 

How do I complete my Supervisor's Report?

You complete and submit your report via the online Supervisor's Report.

Paper-based reports are still available in your program handbooks.

Do I need to complete the Supervisor Professional Development Program (SPDP)?

Yes. You're required to complete the SPDP before the end of Advanced Training.

All required eLearning courses can be found in the 2024 program handbooks.

Do I need to complete Developmental & Psychosocial (D&P) Training?

No. You're not required to complete a time-based D&P requirement. We're working to redefine how D&P training will be embedded in the new training programs. This will include defining learning goals and options to achieve learning goals, which will be embedded into the Basic and Advanced Training programs.

We will send updates with sufficient notice of any changes to ensure no disadvantage.

If I start training in 2024 do I need to complete training at 2 settings?

All trainees are strongly recommended to complete training at more than 1 setting during Advanced Training.

See Accredited settings for the maximum training time accredited at a setting.

How will progression/certification decisions be made for 2024?

Training committees will make progression decisions based on satisfactory completion of requirements by the relevant published deadlines.

Advanced Training Research Project

Do I need to nominate a Research Project Supervisor?

No. You're not required to formally nominate a project Supervisor in the 2024 transition year.

Do I need to submit a Research Project proposal?

No. You're not required to submit a proposal.

When do I need to submit my Advanced Training Research Project (ATRP)?

Your ATRP needs to be completed before the end of Advanced Training. The deadlines are:

  • 31 March
  • 15 June
  • 15 September

You can submit your ATRP by any of these deadlines, in any training phase. It's recommended you submit your ATRP before your transition to Fellowship phase to allow time for marking and/or resubmission if your project is initially marked as 'resubmit'.

Rehabilitation Medicine

If I start training in Rehabilitation Medicine in 2024, do I have to attempt the AFRM Module 2 Clinical Assessment in 2024?

No. You can attempt Module 2 in 2024 or the AFRM Entry Phase Examination available from 2025, to progress to the specialty consolidation phase (Year 3). 

If I’m unsuccessful at the Module 2 Clinical Assessment in 2024, am I eligible to attempt the AFRM Entry Phase exam in 2025?

Yes, providing you meet the exam eligibility criteria.

If I’m unsuccessful at the Module 2 Clinical Assessment in 2024, can I progress to the specialty foundation phase (Year 2)?

Yes. The Module 2 and Entry Phase exams aren't required to progress from the specialty entry phase (Year 1) into the specialty foundation phase (Year 2)*.

* Only applicable to trainees who commence the program in 2024.

What curriculum will be assessed in the 2024 exams?

The 2024 Fellowship Written Examination and Fellowship Clinical Examination are mapped to the PREP curriculum.

The 2024 Module 2 Clinical Assessment will be mapped to both the PREP and new curriculum.

See Examinations for more information.

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