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As the Australian Federal Budget approaches in May 2025, members within Australia are warmly
encouraged to feedback on the draft funding recommendations we intend to put forward to represent
your interests within the upcoming RACP Pre-Budget submission to Federal Treasury. Read the full
Workforce and Health Care Reform recommendations (PDF) for more details.
Your feedback will help shape and augment the recommendations we intend to propose in the Pre-
Budget submission and potential future funding asks. Please spare five to 10 minutes to review the
adequacy of the recommendations for you and your patients. You will be asked only two questions in
this consultation process. All feedback received will be deidentified per the RACP Privacy Policy.
Please note that the funding recommendations have been aligned to the current specific Australian
budget and political context, noting expected Budget constraints, the Government’s primary concern
with economic inflation, costs of living, a likely upcoming election, and delivery of the Budget in
caretaker mode. As such, the pitch and nature of the Budget recommendations have been scaled to the
current context and its constraints.