The RACP is committed to advocating for all healthcare services and programs to meet the health and wellbeing needs of people with disability.
The RACP has a Disability Policy and Advocacy Advisory Group (PAAG) of physicians with expertise in disability related issues. The Disability PAAG is called upon for advice to support the College activities, policy and advocacy matters.
If you're interested in becoming a member of the Disability PAAG, complete an expression of interest to represent your profession.
RACP input to NDIS Reform
The RACP is pleased to have played a role in shaping the future of foundational supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) by contributing to government initiatives as part of our ongoing commitment to advocating for Australians living with disability.
Foundational Supports for Australians Living with Disability
The RACP made a formal submission to the consultation on improving foundational supports for people with disabilities who are not participants of the NDIS.
In our submission, we emphasised the importance of clear access pathways, culturally safe and inclusive care, and the alignment of disability support systems with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
Our focus remains on ensuring equitable, accessible, and integrated care for all Australians with disability.
Foundational Supports for Children Under 9
While we did not provide a formal submission to the consultation on foundational supports for children under 9 with developmental concerns, delays, or disabilities, the RACP provided valuable member feedback to the Department of Social Services (DSS).
This feedback focused on the importance of family-friendly, accessible, and coordinated services that empower children and their families to achieve the best possible outcomes.
NDIS Guide for Physicians
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities through an equitable, effective and responsive disability support system.
The NDIS serves as a platform where the community, government and industry can work together to help address the needs of people with disability.
The NDIS Guide for Physicians was developed to equip physicians with the skills and knowledge to work effectively within the NDIS model and support the delivery of high-quality care to patients with disability.
The Guide has been updated in 2023 and provides practical, user-friendly information for RACP members on topics including eligibility, planning and funded supports.
NDIS Guide for Physicians (PDF)
RACP recommendations and the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Reviews (Australia)
In September 2023, the Disability Royal Commission released its final report into the Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability
Comparison with the RACP 2021 submission (PDF) to the Disability Royal Commission Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability noted that out of our 35 recommendations, approximately half (no = 17) were incorporated into the Royal Commission’s final report.
The RACP recommendations in the Royal Commission’s final report (PDF) have been developed to detail the inclusion of the RACP recommendations.
Note: In October 2023, the NDIS Review final report,Working Together to Deliver the NDIS (PDF), was published. This report has since addressed 6 further RACP recommendations not taken up by the Disability Royal Commission’s final report. These recommendations include the need for the Independent Hospital and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) to provide a pricing framework for the NDIS, the development of a system for collaboration between the health system and disability sectors, strengthening of safeguard mechanisms for NDIS participants, a proposal for a navigation support role for people with disabilities, the transitioning of responsibility for appropriate accommodation options to the IHACPA, and support for outreach services for people with disabilities in rural and regional areas.
RACP recommendation uptake in the NDIS Final Report ‘Working Together to Deliver the NDIS
In October 2023, the NDIS Review published their final report ‘Working Together to Deliver the NDIS’ (PDF). This report contains 26 recommendations to the Australian Government to improve the NDIS and the lives of people with disabilities. Half (13) of the 26 recommendations directly or indirectly address health-related issues.
Comparisons have been tabulated between the recommendations in the NDIS final report recommendations and those made by the RACP (PDF) regarding the NDIS since 2020. These comparisons focus on improving the health system and ensuring equal access to health services for people with disabilities, aiming to prevent them from being left behind.