Frequently asked questions

John Snow Scholarship


I'm not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. Am I eligible for a John Snow Scholarship?

Yes, all medical students enrolled in an Australian or New Zealand medical school are eligible regardless of their citizenship or residency status.

I am a final year medical student now and will be an intern next year. Am I eligible to apply for the John Snow Scholarship?

Yes, you are eligible to apply if you are enrolled as a medical student of good standing at an Australian or New Zealand medical school at the time of your application. If you're selected for the Scholarship, you may present your work at RACP Congress during your intern year.


Can I submit more than one application?

Yes, applications are de-identified before assessment. You may submit as many completed applications as you like.

How strict are the word limits?

You must abide by all specified word limits. For instance, in the case where a large volume of high quality applications are received, applications that have not adhered to the word limits won't be considered.

I can't complete my application before the closing date. How do I apply for an extension?

Extensions cannot be granted and any application received after the closing date will not be assessed. If you're unable to submit your application by the closing date, we suggest that you save your application for submission the following year (eligibility criteria applies).

May I use a piece of work that was done outside of my medical school as the basis of my application?

We primarily request that you submit a piece of written work that you have previously submitted for formative or summative assessment to your medical school. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that the Scholarship is equally accessible to all medical students wishing to apply, no matter their level or experience of public health study and/or work.

However, for students who have completed extra-curricular public health work and want to submit it as part of their John Snow Scholarship application, there are two options:

  1. Many medical schools require students to maintain an assessable professional portfolio. If your piece of extra-curricular work can be included in your professional portfolio, then it meets our requirement: 'previously submitted for formative or summative assessment to your medical school'.

  2. You can base you reflection piece on work that has been submitted for formative or summative assessment to your medical school but include in your reflection a reference(s) to your extra-curricular public health work and how it relates to your curricular public health study and/or work. Remember that the reflection and presentation plan is what is assessed, not the submitted piece of work.

Can I use work that is not a research project, for example a literature review, reflection, oral presentation or case history?

Yes, if the piece of work has been previously submitted to your medical school for assessment as part of your medical course. Remember you are required to submit a reflection piece on how undertaking this piece of work helped you meet your selected AFPHM competencies and a presentation plan.

Award recipients

The financial support provided by the Scholarship doesn't cover all my travel and accommodation costs. Can I have more money?

No, the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine can't provide any further financial assistance than what is offered through the Scholarship. We advise you to approach your medical school, university or other organisations who can assist.

For any other questions about the John Snow Scholarship, contact us.

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