Selection criteria and marking guide

John Snow Scholarship

For a total score out of 20.

Connection between selected piece of work and reflection
0 = Not demonstrated 1 = Limited demonstration 2 = Satisfactory demonstration 3 = Good demonstration 4 = Excellent demonstration
No connection Unclear, limited reflection Satisfactory connection Clear connection Very clear, logical connection

Understanding of selected AFPHM competency element(s)
0 = Not demonstrated 1 = Limited demonstration 2 = Satisfactory demonstration 3 = Good demonstration 4 = Excellent demonstration
No understanding Superficial, limited understanding Satisfactory connection Good understanding Deep, comprehensive understanding

Inclusion of key points from selected piece of work and reflection in presentation plan
0 = Not demonstrated 1 = Limited demonstration 2 = Satisfactory demonstration 3 = Good demonstration 4 = Excellent demonstration
Presentation plan contains none of the key points Presentation plan contains a few key points Presentation plan contains some key points Presentation plan contains most key points Presentation plan contains all key points

Potential to communicate key points from selected piece of work and reflection in a 10 minute oral presentation
0 = Not demonstrated 1 = Limited demonstration 2 = Satisfactory demonstration 3 = Good demonstration 4 = Excellent demonstration
No evidence in presentation plan that these key points will be communicated effectively Limited evidence in presentation plan that these key points will be communicated effectively Some evidence in presentation plan that these key points will be communicated effectively Good evidence in presentation plan that these key points will be communicated effectively Excellent evidence in presentation plan that these key points will be communicated effectively

Academic presentation and standard of literacy
0 = Not demonstrated 1 = Limited demonstration 2 = Satisfactory demonstration 3 = Good demonstration 4 = Excellent demonstration
Reflection and presentation plan written very poorly, with many grammar, punctuation and spelling errors Reflection and presentation plan written poorly, with some grammar, punctuation or spelling errors Reflection and presentation plan written adequately, with a few grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes Reflection and presentation plan well written, with almost no grammar, punctuation or spelling errors Reflection and presentation plan written clearly and succinctly, with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling

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