Queensland AIM

The Queensland Basic Physician Training (Adult Medicine) Network.


Queensland Health oversees the Queensland Basic Physician Training (Adult Medicine) Network.

If you're a medical officer planning to undertake basic physician training in Queensland, you must apply to join the network.

The network is a statewide system of training designed to support trainees. It provides:

  • centralised, merit-based selection into basic training including 1 application and 1 interview
  • well-rounded on-the-job experience with senior clinicians who offer supervision and mentorship
  • access to a comprehensive teaching and education program, including the Clinical Examination Preparation Program
  • support to meet all requirements within 3 years — a fourth year is available for trainees who defer or fail an exam
  • access to a range of RACP-accredited training hospitals offering a variety of clinical and procedural experiences — training is completed across several hospitals within one networked rotation

Successful applicants are appointed to one of 5 network rotations to complete basic training. Each rotation includes a defined cluster of RACP-accredited training hospitals.

Check the Queensland Basic Physician Training (Adult Medicine) Network for training rotations, hospital information and contacts.

Key dates

Key dates are listed on the Queensland Basic Physician Training (Adult Medicine) Network. Check the Network website regularly for updates.


To be eligible for the network prior to commencement of training you must:

  • hold general registration with the Medical Board of Australia
  • be eligible for registration with the RACP as a basic physician trainee
  • qualify as a post graduate year three (PGY3) or above

The network supports and encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants.

You're assessed on your ability to demonstrate the key attributes within the context of the responsibilities described in the role descriptions for a Medical Registrar and/or a Senior House Officer.

Centralised selection and preferences

The selection and allocation process in QLD is centralised. Suitability and ranking for a network position is assessed through 4 essential components:

  1. referee reports
  2. short statement responses
  3. clinical experience (including medical and rural/regional experience)
  4. interview

You submit one application only and nominate (in order of preference) the rotation(s) where you hope to secure a position. In Section 10, you must nominate your first preference as follows:

Facility: College/Pathway/Network Determined
Position: either SHO or Registrar
Specialty: Medicine
Sub-specialty: Basic Physician Training

If you are not selected to join the network, preferences 2 to 5 are used to maximise your chances of securing an alternate position.

Allocation and employment contracts

The network provides written advice on the selection process outcome. Allocation occurs after selection. If you’re successful, you’ll be offered a prospective training program to cover the duration of your training up to 3-years. This outlines the training settings (hospitals) where you’ll complete basic training. The first year of training will be in 1 setting. You receive appointment letters (employment contracts) outlining the position level and employment duration.


If you're a medical officer planning to undertake basic physician training in Queensland, you must apply to join the network. Queensland Health advertises positions for the following clinical year via an annual, state-wide Resident Medical Officer (RMO) and Registrar Recruitment Campaign.

To be considered for a network training place, complete the following:

  1. Visit Queensland network to check your eligibility and read the 'How to apply' section.
  2. Discuss your training plans:
    • If you want to begin training, meet with an RACP Educational Supervisor or Director of Physician Education (DPE) to discuss physician training as a career.
    • If you want to join the network to continue training, meet with a Network Rotation Coordinator to discuss your outstanding training requirements and examination plans.
  3. Submit your application via the RMO and Registrar Recruitment Campaign within the specified dates. *

Within the Campaign application, indicate you're applying for the 'Queensland Basic Physician Training (Adult Medicine) Network'.

You'll be asked a series of network-specific questions and your written responses will be scored. The score contributes towards ranking.

You also need to upload relevant documents, including a current CV. Note the network selection committee requests applicants use the standard Queensland Health template.

*Applying via the Campaign allows you to simultaneously apply for the network and employment with individual RACP-accredited hospitals. If you're selected into the network, you'll be allocated to a training hospital. They provide you with an employment contract and a DPE approves you to begin training. You can then register with the RACP by the end of February deadline.


If you're shortlisted, you'll be invited to participate in an interview corresponding with your first preference rotation. If an alternative interview is more suitable, contact the network to discuss.

You must be available for the interview, either face-to-face or virtual. You'll receive details of the interview date, time and format.

To join the network, you must be successful at the interview and merit rank well enough to be offered a position in the training program.

Prepare for the selection process

In your application and at the interview, you’ll be asked a series of questions related to these key attributes:

  • behaviours contributing to a positive health care environment
  • plan for basic training
  • commitment to and participation in clinical teaching and education
  • leadership and quality improvement
  • commitment to the health of Queenslanders
  • clinical experience
  • commitment to rural and regional practice

Selection to the network

If you’re successful in the selection process, you’re selected to the network and can join the basic physician training program.

Training capacity is determined annually and you’ll be offered a network training place in merit-ranked order. You’ll receive annual employment contracts to cover the remaining 3 to 4 years of basic training, subject to satisfactory ongoing performance.

Related information

Queensland Basic Physician Training (Adult Medicine) Network
RMO campaign application portal

The network supports and encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people successful at interview will be awarded their first preference hospital allocation.

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