Victoria AIM
Health services in Victoria accredited for basic physician training are coordinated within the Basic Physician Training (BPT) Consortia. There are 5 Consortiums.
The training consortia model links inner-metropolitan hospitals, outer-metropolitan and rural hospitals to coordinate the training, recruitment, and rotation of basic physician trainees across member health services.
In Victoria, the application process for BPT positions is coordinated by the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) through an annual state-wide centralised job matching mechanism.
Application dates for each health service will be advertised on their websites.
To be eligible for RACP BPT you must have:
- current general medical registration in Australia or New Zealand
- satisfactorily completed at least one intern year (PGY1+)
The application process for BPT positions is coordinated by the PMCV through an annual job-matching mechanism.
You must apply through the PMCV Allocation and Placement Service and directly to the individual hospitals you're seeking employment from.
You’ll need to apply online once the BPT “match” is open for employment positions:
- BPT 1 (minimum PGY 2)
- BPT 2 (minimum PGY 3)
- BPT 3 (minimum PGY 4)
The application process allocates you to employing Health Services, like hospitals, based on mutual preferences.
You'll need to submit your applications to each individual employing hospital of interest. You can make one application per hospital and you’ll be able to select multiple roles within that application.
You’ll need to apply specifically for a BPT stream role, usually at the Hospital Medical Officer (HMO) level. Names of roles can vary between hospitals.
Selection and ranking of candidates are the sole responsibilities of the employing health service concerned. If you’re selected, you’ll gain a joint training and employment position.
In Victoria, you’re required to apply for employment positions annually.
Allocation and placement via the PMCV online portal involves 3 processes, registration, preferencing and matching.
Create your account, then register with the match that corresponds with your educational and professional qualifications, including choosing your eligibility group. Your eligibility will be checked at this step.
Once registered, select your preferred Health Services in order. The number of Health Services you can preference depends on the match.
After applying separately for roles at your preferenced Health Services, and participating in the local selection process, you'll be ranked for employment by health services. The PMCV allocation algorithm matches successful candidates to positions.
Local application processes and selection criteria
Each accredited hospital defines its individual application and selection process. There are likely to be differences between health services but most coordinate applications via an online portal. Each BPT stream role advertised should include:
- a position description
- selection criteria
- details of a contact person for further enquiries