Best Poster Prize in Adult Medicine

Submissions closed for 2024.

The College awards the Best Poster Prize in Adult Medicine to a Fellow and a trainee who each demonstrate excellence of hypothesis, scientific merit and oral presentation for a poster presentation at the RACP Congress.


george-razay[1]Prof George Razay | 2024 recipient (Fellow)
Title: Balance And Gait Disorders in Memory Clinic Population: A Prospective Observational Cross-Sectional Study

Dr Razay is Clinical Professor in Geriatric Medicine, Launceston General Hospital, University of Tasmania. He has extensive research experience in the field Alzheimer’s disease. His research investigated the role of obesity, metabolic syndrome, blood pressure, exercise in Alzheimer’s disease, and the incidence, and treatment of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus.

douglas-wang[1]Dr Jo-Wai Douglas Wang | 2024 recipient (Trainee)
Title: Association of biological age with comorbidities and in-hospital outcomes in patients with osteoporotic hip fracture

Dr Douglas Wang is a BPT2 at the Canberra Health Services. His research interests lie in the application of emerging advances in digital health. His current work focuses on prognostication of osteoporotic hip fractures in the elderly.


Applicants must be a Fellow or trainee of the RACP's Adult Medicine Division.


2 x prizes are on offer for 1 Fellow and 1 trainee.

Each recipient will receive AUD$1000 and a certificate.


Read the terms and conditions and abstract guidelines before you submit your abstract.

Abstracts that do not conform to the guidelines will not be accepted.

Submit your abstract through the RACP Congress website.

The College Conflicts Of Interest Policy (PDF) and Privacy Policy apply to all applicants and the prize recipient.

Selection process

Members of the Adult Medicine Congress Program Committee will review the abstracts and select those that meet the highest standard.

Selected applicants will be notified by the RACP Foundation and briefed on the next stage to be held at RACP Congress: a poster and short oral presentation.

On the day, a Judging Panel will adjudicate the posters and presentations.

Note: You must be registered to attend RACP Congress to be able to participate in the poster presentation.

The RACP requires the recipient's permission to publish their winning abstracts in the Internal Medicine Journal. Publication of abstracts is at the discretion of the Journal’s Editor in Chief.

For more information on the Best Poster Prize in Adult Medicine, contact us.

Related content

Terms and conditions
Division, Faculty and Chapter Awards and Prizes

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