Applications closed 15 October 2024.
The Penelope Lowe Prize is awarded to the best presentation of a case study by an Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine (AChSHM) trainee at the AChSHM Annual Scientific Meeting.
The Prize is named in memory of Dr Penelope Lowe FAChSHM and former Chapter Trainee Representative.
2024 recipient | Dr Zoe Huang
Dr Zoe Huang is second year Advanced Trainee in Sexual Health Medicine at RPA Sexual Health, Sydney Local Health District. Her main area of interest is reproductive health care and rights, particularly for vulnerable groups but enjoys all aspects of sexual and reproductive medicine. Zoe previously worked in general practice and continues to be involved in clinical work and education at Family Planning Australia.
An applicant must be a registered trainee of the AChSHM.
Previous Penelope Lowe Prize recipients are ineligible to apply.
The successful recipient receives AUD$1000 and a certificate.
Selection criteria
All abstract submissions are assessed on:
- its importance or how interesting the clinical issue is (necessary)
- whether it’s an emerging or ground-breaking treatment or a recently discovered facet of an established area of medicine (encouraged)
- the educational value of the case (considered)
The Award Review Panel will select abstracts that have demonstrated the highest standard to progress onto the oral presentation at the AChSHM Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).
Before you apply, read the terms and conditions for awards and prizes valued up to $5000 and abstract guidelines.
Submit your application form and abstract as a single PDF file to
Download application form
The College Conflicts of Interest Policy (PDF) and Privacy Policy apply to the prize applicants and recipient.
Selection process
If you’re selected to make an oral presentation, prepare your case in consultation with your Supervisor. Supervisors are encouraged to attend the session to support their trainee and provide expert comment.
Assessing the oral presentations will be a judging panel comprised of the Chapter President or President-elect, Education Chair and a Fellow who is not a supervisor of any trainee presenting.
On the day of the oral presentation at the ASM:
- Trainees give a 10-minute presentation.
- Following a presentation, the session chair will open the floor to the judging panel or audience to ask questions regarding the facts of the case, to be answered by the trainee.
- The judging panel will assess each presentation on the:
- quality of presentation
- educational value of the case
- discussion of the literature and knowledge displayed
- response to questions
The Prize recipient will be announced at the ASM.
The judging panel and the AChSHM reserves the right to not to award the Prize if all presentations don't meet a sufficient standard.