The Royal Australasian College of Physicians ('College') Award terms and conditions apply to:
Indigenous Health Scholarship Program
These terms and conditions apply to each and every application for an Award and sets out the terms and conditions upon which the College provides the Award to the Recipient.
1. Applications
1.1 Applications for any Award must be made to the College:
- in writing, using the approved application form
- addressing how the applicant meets each of the eligibility criteria for that Award, or why a certain eligibility criteria should not apply.
1.2 Applications must be submitted to the College by the closing date and time advised by the College.
1.3 Documents which are additional to those requested will not be accepted as part of the application.
2. Assessment
2.1 The College assesses and grants the Awards in its sole discretion.
2.2 All Awards are assessed on the merit of the application and the information in it.
2.3 The College may, in its sole discretion, reject any application at any time during the assessment process for any reason, including but not limited to:
- the application is not competitive
- the application is incomplete or misleading
- the application contains incorrect information, or
- the application does not comply with eligibility criteria for that Award
2.4 Applicants who wish to undertake training on a part-time basis will be considered.
3. All decisions are final
3.1 All decisions in relation to any aspect of the Awards or these terms and conditions are made at the sole discretion of the College, and are final.
3.2 Correspondence will not be entered into.
3.3 Decisions made in relation to any aspect of the Awards or these terms and conditions are not subject to reconsideration, review, or appeal.
4. No Obligation
The College is under no obligation to offer any Award and may withdraw any Award at any time for any reason in its sole discretion.
5. Amendments and Deferrals
5.1 Any request to amend the terms or conditions of an Award, including any request to defer an Award, must be made by the Recipient:
- in writing to the College
- setting out the reasons for the request, and
- supported by substantive documentation which has been verified in accordance with College requirements
5.2 Any such request will be considered by the College on a case-by-case basis and will be determined by the College in its sole discretion.
6. Acceptance and taking up of an Award
6.1 To take up an Award, any Recipient must:
- accept any Award in writing, and
- agree to comply with these terms and conditions by signing a copy of them, and returning them to the College.
6.2 Any Award must be taken up:
- in the year for which it is awarded, and
- for the purpose or training program specified in the application.
6.3 Award benefits are only provided once, and any Recipient who is required to repeat a training program or other any part of the training program, such as an examination, will not be entitled to receive the benefit for a repeated attempt. Recipients acknowledge that, as a condition of this Award, they will:
- attend the Congress or relevant Annual Scientific Meeting (as determined by the RACP Foundation), and
- ensure that an appropriate period of time away from their place of employment to attend the Congress or the relevant Annual Scientific Meeting is agreed with their employers in advance.
7. Payment
7.1 Before any payment in respect of an Award or part of an Award is made by the College, and at least one month before the date of the commencement of the Award, Recipients must provide the College with all documentation it requires, verified in accordance with College requirements.
7.2 An Award will only be paid in the year for which it is awarded, unless otherwise agreed by the College in writing.
7.3 Payment processing by the College may take up to 4 weeks from receipt of invoice.
7.4 It is the responsibility of the Recipient to seek their own advice on tax matters. No tax advice can or will be provided by the College.
8. Joint Funding
- must advise of any other funding or scholarships they will be or are receiving, and
- must not accept additional funding for the same purpose from any other institutions without the prior written approval of the College.
New Zealand Award recipients who are also receiving reimbursement from NZ District Health Boards for specialist training must provide documentary evidence of the amount of their reimbursement and the Award will only be paid for any outstanding difference.
9. Donor Funded Awards
Where an Award is funded by donations promised by a third party, either in part or in full, the College is under no obligation to make the Award if the donation is not provided as promised.
10. Acknowledgment of the Award
10.1 Any presentations and/or publications arising from work conducted during the term of the Award must acknowledge that the work was carried out during the tenure of the Award and acknowledge the Award and the donor of the Award as the key funding source or contributing funding source in any such presentation or publication.
10.2 A reprint of any such presentation or publication must be provided to the College.
11. Revocation of Awards
11.1 An Award will be revoked by the College if the Recipient, in the opinion of the College:
- fails to fulfil the purpose of the Award
- does not comply with all terms and conditions of the Award or with these terms and conditions
- fails to meet the eligibility criteria for the Award
- fails to make satisfactory progress or to carry out the work related to the Award with competence and diligence
- fails to comply with the College Code of Conduct
- is guilty of serious misconduct, including providing inaccurate or misleading information in their application, or
- upon death, incapacity or resignation or withdrawal from the institution nominated in the application
then the College may, in its sole discretion, require that the Recipient repay the amount of the Award to the College.
11.2 An Award may be revoked at any time and for any reason upon the College giving the recipient 3 months' written notice.
12. Correspondence
All correspondence regarding application for the Award and the outcome must be directed to the RACP Foundation.
13. Privacy
13.1 The College Privacy Policy for Personal Information applies.
13.2 The Recipient agrees to the publication on the College website of their name and the Award.
14. Obligations of Recipients
Recipients must:
- upon acceptance of the Award, provide a letter of gratitude, through the College, to the donor including their background and an outline of their project
- upon completion of the Award, provide a letter, through the College, to the donor providing details explaining how the Award has assisted the recipient's project or program of study
- submit a written progress report from a supervisor at the completion of the each year of the Award to be considered by the relevant College Review Panel for confirmation of continuation of funding for the following year
- submit a written progress report to the College on completion of the Award as specified by the College and in a manner that is suitable for a general medical audience, which will be uploaded to the College website and may be used in College publications, and which may be provided to the donors that contributed to the Award
- respond promptly and completely to any survey by the College for up to 5 years after the Award has completed
- cooperate in activities organised by the College to publicise the Award
- not derogate or criticise the Awards or the College at any time, in public or otherwise
15. Governing Law
This Agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales and each party irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in that State.