Doctors deeply disappointed in decision to repeal Medevac
December 6, 2019
One of Australia and New Zealand’s largest medical colleges is deeply disappointed by the passing of the bill to repeal the life-saving Medevac legislation.
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has stood united with the entire medical community in their position to save the Medevac legislation.
The Medevac legislation has proven effective in improving timely access to necessary healthcare for asylum seekers and refugees.
The RACP is concerned that repealing these laws will mean that asylum seekers and refugees under Australia’s care may experience serious and preventable harm. We call on the Government to do all it can to ensure that this vulnerable group of people is able to access appropriate, necessary and timely care.
Until further details emerge providing insight into whatever understanding may have been reached in order to enable the passage of the repeal legislation and how this may impact the ability of refugees and asylum seekers to access necessary and timely care, the RACP considers repealing this legislation as an enormous step backwards.
The RACP sincerely thanks all members of Parliament who have listened to expert medical advice and voted to oppose the repeal of this life-saving legislation.