Inquiry commences into RACP computer-based exam

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has today announced the details of an inquiry following the cancellation of a computer-based exam last month.

A leading independent financial advisory and restructuring provider, Ferrier Hodgson will undertake the inquiry. It will investigate why trainee physicians experienced technical problems, how this could be avoided in the future and recommend how the College can improve its examinations process to move forward.

The inquiry is expected to be completed by mid-May 2018.

RACP President Dr Catherine Yelland said the inquiry would provide a full picture of what led to the exam’s cancellation and how the College can take these findings forward to future exams.

“As a College we need to understand what went wrong and our trainee physicians, quite rightly want answers,” Dr Yelland said.

“Once we have the inquiry’s findings and recommendations we will do everything possible to ensure that trainee physicians are using an exam system that is robust.”

Around 1,100 trainee physicians completed a paper-based resit exam at sites across Australia and New Zealand on 2 March. Approximately 50 trainee physicians will sit the exam on the alternative resit date set for 23 March.

The RACP is marking all exams so results can be issued on 15 March, in time for trainees to register for the clinical exams. Anyone sitting the alternative exam on 23 March, will be provisionally registered for the clinical exam, to ensure they’re not disadvantaged.

This year’s sitting of the clinical exam will also not be counted as an attempt.

Trainees will have their full exam fees refunded and will not be charged for attempting the paper-based exam. Neither the computer-based nor the rescheduled paper-based exams will count as an exam attempt.

To view the full terms of reference for the inquiry visit the RACP website.

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