Medevac bill will provide better access to health care for asylum seekers – RACP
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) welcomes the passage of the Medevac bill as a step forward in addressing the asylum seeker healthcare crisis.
“This is an important step that will provide better access to vital healthcare for refugees and asylum seekers being held offshore,” said Associate Professor Mark Lane President, RACP
“Lack of access to health care has contributed to significant harm to refugees and asylum seekers in offshore processing, including preventable deaths, since 2010.
“Appropriate health assessment and treatment is critical to addressing the medical crisis in offshore detention.
“There is clear evidence that offshore detention has a harmful impact on the health and wellbeing of asylum seekers,” Prof Lane said.
The RACP continues to call for an end to held immigration detention, and the urgent establishment of durable settlement solutions for those people who are found to be refugees.