28 January 2022
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) Paediatrician and President-elect of the College, Dr Jacqueline Small, is available to comment ahead of schools returning on Monday and Tuesday.
The RACP represents over 5000 Paediatric Fellows and trainees.
Quotes attributable to RACP President-elect and Paediatrician, Dr Jacqueline Small:
“We know that parents, students and teachers might be feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety ahead of the first day back at school.
“Face-to-face learning is important for students’ education, social connections, and mental health.
“The last two years have been very challenging, and many children, and their families, have been impacted by school closures.
“Whether it’s being in the classroom learning from their teachers, or connecting with their peers in the playground, going to school is a critical part of a child’s development and growth.
“School closures can be affect this development process and this is why paediatricians and specialist physicians support the COVID-safe plan to get kids back to school, and keep them there.
“We support access to free Rapid Antigen Tests for children and families.
“Other public health measures are also critical to continue, such as physical distancing, handwashing, cough and sneeze etiquette, ventilation, staying home when unwell, frequent cleaning, student cohorting, and limiting visitors to school grounds.” Dr Small said.
The College has welcomed the Victorian and NSW Government’s back to school plans.