Physicians call for Biloela family to urgently be released from detention

June 9, 2021

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) is calling on the Federal Government to urgently release the Biloela family from detention and says Australia’s detention of refugees and asylum seekers continues to fly in the face of medical advice.

Professor Catherine Choong, President of the RACP’s Paediatric and Child Health Division, said “We are calling for the urgent release of the Biloela family, and all refugees and asylum seekers being held in detention.

“As medical experts, it’s clear that the mental and physical healthcare needs of asylum seekers and refugees are being neglected in Australia’s detention system.  

“The reports that three-year-old Tharnicaa is seriously ill are terribly distressing.

“Now is the time for the Australian Government to listen to what health experts have been saying for years: Australia must release all asylum seekers from detention facilities and provide them with support they will need for this transition.

“In the immediate term, we’re urging the Australian Government to provide the Biloela family with all the medical care they need, as well as any other refugees or asylum seekers in need of medical attention.” Professor Choong said.

The RACP calls on the Australian Government to release all asylum seekers from detention and ensure people receive flexible casework support after they are released from detention to facilitate access to health, mental health, education, early childhood, housing, welfare and employment services.

The RACP’s position statement on Refugees and Asylum Seeker Health supported by 14 peak medical organisations can be found on the RACP website.

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