Physicians welcome new shadow minister to health portfolio
5 June 2019
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has welcomed the Hon Chris Bowen MP to the critical health portfolio as the new shadow minister.
RACP President, Associate Professor Mark Lane said: “We are looking forward to continuing to work with the opposition and the entire parliament in ensuring the health system can meet the current and future needs of the Australian population. The shadow minister will be critical to this and we look forward to working collaboratively with Mr Bowen and his team.
“Whilst Australia has very good health care compared with most other countries, there are challenges ahead. We welcome Mr Bowen’s stated priorities of obesity Indigenous health and addressing inequitable health outcomes as key areas of concern to the profession.
“The increasing numbers of people with multiple chronic conditions will require a health system that works in a more integrated way and that places more emphasis on prevention and keeping people out of hospital.
“The College had a strong working relationship with the Hon Catherine King MP and would like to acknowledge her contributions to the health portfolio in both government and as shadow Minister for Health.
We look forward to working with Mr Bowen and warmly welcome him to this new and challenging portfolio, one of the most important for the future of the nation,” A Prof Lane said.
In its pre-election statement, the RACP identified sustainability, prevention and equity as three key interlocking priority areas, advocating for a sustainable healthcare system, greater investment in preventative health and a stronger focus on ensuring equity and access for all Australians.