RACP asks NSW political parties to respond on health priorities
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has published its 2019 NSW Election Statement, Prioritising Health, which sets four clear health priorities for the next government.
Developed by the RACP NSW/ACT Regional Committee, the statement makes short and long-term recommendations for the incoming government about:
- Physician and trainee wellbeing and workplace culture
- Urgent action to address the spike in accelerated silicosis and occupational lung diseases
- Minimising the harms from drug and alcohol consumption
- High-value care.
“Action on these policy priorities is needed to ensure the NSW healthcare system continues to operate at a world-class level, delivering the health care and health outcomes needed by current and future generations,” said Dr Adrian Lee, NSW/ACT Regional Committee chair.
The RACP is committed to working with governments and all political parties to implement health policies that are evidence-based, and that focus on ensuring the provision of high quality healthcare accessible to all people in NSW.
It is critical that the incoming government’s plans for the NSW health system are informed by the expertise of physicians, paediatricians, and trainees.
“The incoming government must value and support the contribution made by physicians to training junior doctors within the NSW health system, including supervision, research, mentoring, and management,” said Dr Lee.
“In particular, the next government must commit to providing a positive workplace culture to support physicians’ and trainee physicians’ health and wellbeing—this is important for doctors and patients alike.”
Read the full election statement here.