RACP welcomes final report from Disability Royal Commission
17 November 2023
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) says the release of the Disability Royal Commission final report is an important step for Australia, and acknowledges the formidable efforts involved from people with disability and their families.
RACP President and Paediatrician Dr Jacqueline Small says “We look forward to working with the Australian and State and Territory governments, and stakeholders, to enable positive outcomes for people with disability.
“As a College we have an important role to play in improving the way that the healthcare system supports people with disability and we will be taking those necessary steps to improve specialist training from this report.
“It is also positive to see the acknowledgement of people with disability as a diverse community, and recognition of First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse and LGBTIQA+ people with disability, as well as the over-representation of people with disability in the criminal justice system.”
The RACP says the Royal Commission report also vindicates long called for reform to the youth justice system, including raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14 years.
“We’ve been calling on the States and Territories to raise the age of criminal responsibility for years now. We are pleased to see some movement in this area, but there is much more to be done and this report is a welcome support” Dr Small says.
“We cannot let this be yet another report that goes unactioned. We hope to see swift action by the Standing Council of Attorneys-General at their next meeting.
“We know that young people, including young people with disability and First Nations young people, are disproportionally impacted by the youth justice system. Time for change is well overdue.”