RACP welcomes landmark day for Australia’s COVID-19 protection response

February 22, 2021

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) says today is a landmark day for Australia’s successful COVID-19 strategy and that Australians should be confident in the Government’s rollout strategy.

RACP President, Professor John Wilson said “Today marks an incredible achievement in our battle against the global COVID-19 pandemic.

“Australia is in this position today thanks to the hard work of our frontline workers, State and Federal Governments, and the everyday Australians who have been doing the right thing and following the advice of health experts.

“The vaccines being rolled out have gone through rigorous approval processes by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, which is one of the best regulators of its kind in the world.

“Australians should be confident in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine as it becomes available to them according to the Government’s roll-out schedule.

“We’re also glad to see essential healthcare workers, hotel quarantine workers and aged care and disability residents and workers at the top of the priority list when it comes to getting vaccinated. These groups are at high-risk of contracting the virus, and we support the approach of prioritising these groups first.

“We note that under the Government’s vaccine rollout strategy, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over 55 are due to receive the vaccine in the next priority group, Phase 1b due to commence in coming weeks. We support the need to urgently provide vaccines to Indigenous people who are often at greater risk from COVID-19 due to underlying conditions.”

The RACP commends the Federal Government for continuing to listen to our leading medical experts and encourages every Australian to have confidence in the Government’s vaccination program.

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