Statement from RACP on IHAP panel
On Friday 15 February the RACP was asked by the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to provide nominees to sit on the Independent Health Advisory Panel, along with the AMA and the RANZCP.
After an accelerated EOI process and merit based selection process, the RACP have today nominated 10 highly skilled and experienced Fellows who have volunteered their expertise and time to undertake the work of the new panel.
The RACP have worked hard to meet a tight deadline for the nominations.
The RACP has made these provisional nominations pending clarification from the government on a number of key outstanding questions regarding the operation of the panel including travel arrangements, medico-legal arrangements, important governance issues and medical practise issues.
We await further information from the government to enable us to support our Fellows.
The RACP received over 30 nominations within a few days, notwithstanding this will be unpaid and costs won’t be covered, which is a testament to the RACP members’ commitment to providing the highest quality care to all those in need.
The RACP remains concerned about the proposed transfer of very unwell patients to Christmas Island given the lack of appropriate specialist medical facilities and personnel on the island.