Monday, 1 November 2021
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians is calling for the Federal Government to urgently assess the physical and mental health status of all 47 refugees and asylum seekers held in the Park Hotel building in Melbourne.
The RACP is seriously concerned about reports that almost half the refugees and people seeking asylum have contracted COVID-19 and are reporting a lack of timely medical care for COVID-related illness.
RACP President Professor John Wilson says “Reports that as many as 20 asylum seekers in the Park Hotel building have contracted COVID-19 are disturbing. They suggest that some are not getting the necessary and timely medical attention or medical supplies they need."
“We are obliged to give asylum seekers the same medical attention and support that is provided to other people in hotel quarantine under their human rights."
“That means access to medical support and provision of medical supplies, as wellbeing offered transfer to hospital if recommended by a qualified healthcare professional."
“All of this must be implemented in line with the public health advice, particularly in regard to ensuring the adequate provision of personal protective equipment, such as masks."
“Physical distancing of individuals should also be practised where appropriate. Furthermore, ventilation systems should be checked to be appropriate for use as a quarantine facility."
“We have very serious concerns for these asylum seekers in this hotel. COVID-19 can be deadly and medical advice must be urgently sought and implemented in keeping with national standards."
“Physicians are calling on the Australian Government to ensure that all COVID-care standards are upheld by urgently addressing this extraordinary outbreak.” Professor Wilson said.