Policy and Advocacy Library

The library is the culmination of the collaborative work of RACP members and comprises a comprehensive range of evidence-based, published RACP position statements, policies and submissions.

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RACP Submission on the draft Thrive by Five Early Childhood Guarantee Bill 2024

30 Aug 2024
Published in
Child health
This RACP submission provides feedback on the draft Thrive by Five Early Childhood Guarantee Bill 2024 (draft Bill). The RACP supports the principles and intent of the draft Bill and its aim to create a universally accessible early childhood development system for all Australian children. An early childhood development system that encapsulates high-quality essential services, such as antenatal care, targeted nurse home visiting and parenting programmes, as well as early childhood education and care (ECEC), is critical to improving the health and wellbeing of all children and their families.

Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill submission

30 Nov 2023
Published in
Child health and young adult medicine
The RACP's submission to the Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill reinforces our commitment to protecting health from the adverse impacts of climate change. Our submission highlights the importance of protecting current and future generations of children from the health impacts of climate change, and the role the Bill can play.

RACP submission Middle Arm Industrial Precinct Senate Inquiry

22 Nov 2023
Published in
Climate change
The RACP submitted a response to the Senate Inquiry into the Middle Arm Industrial Precinct that emphasises the health harms of fossil fuels, both directly and through their significant contribution to climate change. The submission underscored the urgent need for a swift transition to renewable energy sources, highlighting the potential health benefits that such a transition would bring, including reduced air pollution, minimised occupational and environmental health hazards for workers involved in fossil fuel extraction, and mitigation of the adverse health impacts associated with climate change.

RACP Submission on Telehealth NZ Patient Anywhere Specialist Everywhere (PASE) Whitepaper

02 Nov 2022
Published in
New Zealand
This submission provides the RACP’s feedback on Telehealth New Zealand’s Patient Anywhere Specialist Everywhere (PASE) model of care. While this patient-centred telehealth model appears to be a great addition to the expanding toolkit for provision of equitable and accessible health care in Aotearoa New Zealand, the appropriate mechanisms must be put in place and certain barriers to implementation addressed to ensure the attainment of the intended objectives and benefits of PASE.

RACP Position Statement: Routine adolescent psychosocial health assessment

13 Jul 2021
Published in
Child health and young adult medicine
The RACP has released an updated position statement on Routine Adolescent and Young Adult Psychosocial and Health Assessment. There is now greater appreciation that a range of mental health, emotional and behavioural issues affects the health and wellbeing of young people. This policy statement is aimed at all primary, secondary and tertiary care physicians and paediatricians who consult with adolescent patients, in particular those who take on the primary responsibility for the health and wellbeing of the young person (aged 12 to 24).

Genital examinations in girls and young women a clinical practice guideline

06 Apr 2018
Published in
New Zealand
Child health and young adult medicine
The purpose of this guideline is to guide medical practitioners and nurses in relation to the indications for, and the conduct of, genital examinations in girls and young women. Paediatricians, particularly those involved with child protection work, may be called on to perform genital examinations of girls and young women. This 2009 Position Statement was reviewed and had its evidence updated in 2018.

PCHD Policy & Media Outputs 2017

03 Oct 2017
Published in
Child health and young adult medicine
A list of policies and position statements released to the media by the Paediatrics and Child Health Division of the RACP.

RACP - The role of paediatricians in the provision of mental health services to children and young people

12 Oct 2016
Published in
New Zealand
Mental health
The role of paediatricians in the provision of mental health services to children and young people position statement was developed by a working group of the Paediatrics and Child Health Division. The Position Statement highlights the role paediatricians play in combatting the significant mental health burden carried by Australia and New Zealand’s children and young people. It also emphasises the importance of paediatricians working with other mental health professionals, such as child and adolescent psychiatrists, to improve strategic planning of mental health services.

PCHD Policy & Media Outputs 2016

21 Jul 2016
Published in
Child health and young adult medicine
A list of policies and position statements released to the media by the Paediatrics and Child Health Division of the RACP.

Physical Punishment of children

22 Jun 2016
Published in
Child health and young adult medicine
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