AFRM Trainee Committee

The Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (AFRM) Trainee Committee represents the interest of AFRM trainees and provides a forum for AFRM trainees to express their views and work with the College Trainees’ Committee and the AFRM Regional Committees.

We advocate on behalf of AFRM trainees regarding selection, training, assessment, supervision and overall educational experience. The Committee can make policy recommendations and recommend new initiatives to the AFRM Faculty to support Trainees and enhance their training experience.

Read the AFRM Trainee Committee Terms of Reference (PDF) for more information.


Dr Olivia Nylander, Chair

Dr Chau Do, College Trainees' Committee representative and AFRM Education Committee representative

Dr Adrienne Corbett, Queensland representative

Dr Anushka Abeywickrama, South Australia/Northern Territory representative

Dr Marie Rauter, Paediatric Rehabilitation representative

Dr Edward Lewis, AFRM Training Committee representative

Dr Kavitha Muthukrishnan,AFRM New Fellow representative

Dr Emma Sheaves, New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory representative

Dr Kavitha Muthukrishnan, Victoria/Tasmania representative

vacant, AFRM Policy & Advocacy trainee representative

vacant, Aotearoa New Zealand representative

Dr Natalia Magana, Western Australia representative

Contact us

Email the AFRM Trainee Committee at

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