Member Health and Wellbeing Committee

The purpose of the Member Health and Wellbeing Committee is to promote wellbeing and increase awareness of wellbeing issues in physicians and trainees. The Committee oversees the ongoing implementation of the Member Health and Wellbeing Strategy and associated activities.

The Committee is governed by the RACP Board.

For more information see the Member Health and Wellbeing Committee Terms of Reference (PDF).

See what we're working to achieve in the Member Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan 2023-2026.


Dr Susannah Ward | Chair, AFRM Representative
Dr David Beaumont | Deputy Chair, AFOEM Representative
Dr Sabine Hennel | PCHD Representative
Dr Timothy Martin | Trainee Representative
Dr Aidan Tan | Trainee Representative
Dr Jessica Wong | Trainee Representative
Vacant | AFPHM Representative
Vacant | AMD Representative
Vacant | College Chapter Representative

Wellbeing resources

We urge you to monitor your own wellbeing and get assistance if you have concerns. Use our comprehensive list of wellbeing resources as a guide.


Meeting 02-2023 | Wednesday 24 May 2023

The following Communiqué highlights the discussions from the 01-2023 Committee meeting, held on Wednesday 24 May 2023. 

Member Support Services

To progress commitments under Focus Areas 2 and 3 of the Strategic Plan, the MHWC discussed additional support services, tools and resources that could be made available to members.

The MHWC also identified additional services related to wellbeing that will be considered for inclusion in the RACP Member Benefits Program.

Member Wellbeing Campaign

MHWC members discussed their ideas and insights for the development of a Member Wellbeing Campaign, including high-level internal and external campaign objectives.

Wellbeing of RACP trainees

The MHWC has been working with the College Trainees’ Committee and the College Education Committee to find effective ways to support trainee wellbeing. The MHWC is also identifying and developing tools and resources that will aim to upskill supervisors in supporting trainee wellbeing.

Dr Sharmila Ramessur Chandran
Chair, Member Health and Wellbeing Committee
8 June 2023

Meeting 01-2023 | Monday 27 February 2023

The following Communiqué highlights the discussions from the 01-2023 Committee meeting, held on Monday 27 February 2023.

Member Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan 2023-2026

In the second half of 2022, the Member Health and Wellbeing Committee (MHWC) finalised the development of the Member Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan 2023-2026 (the Strategic Plan). It was then provided to the College Education Committee, College Trainees’ Committee, Aotearoa New Zealand Committee and Fellowship Committee out-of-session for consultation, and was further refined following their feedback. The strategic plan was then approved by the College Board at its December 2022 meeting and can be found here.

Physician self-care and wellbeing course review

Members of the MHWC reviewed the College’s Physician Self-Care and Wellbeing Course and decided to participate in the update of the course in the second half of 2023 to make it valid and current.

Member Support Services

To progress commitments under Focus Areas 2 and 3 of the Strategic Plan, the MHWC discussed additional support services, tools and resources that could be made available to members, including career coaching and wellbeing support. The MHWC discussed the criteria by which the College should select and facilitate access to these services for members to ensure they are effective and equitable.

Wellbeing of RACP trainees

Members of the MHWC are working with the College Trainees’ Committee and the College Education Committee on the review of existing training processes that might improve oversight of the wellbeing of trainees.

Dr Sharmila Ramessur Chandran
Chair, Member Health and Wellbeing Committee
30 March 2023

Meeting 01-2022 | Monday 14 March 2022

The following Communiqué highlights the discussions from the 01-2022 Committee meeting, held on Monday 14 March 2022.

Wellbeing Champions

The Committee discussed the next steps involved in the establishment of a Wellbeing Champion network and agreed on a phased implementation process commencing with a proof-of-concept pilot. Two Committee members have been nominated to work with staff in the development of the business case that will support this initiative being realised.

Member benefits

The Committee noted that College members can access an exclusive range of offers and discounts through the member benefits program, Member Advantage. Additional wellbeing benefits were considered and identified for the College to explore in the future.

Evaluation of the Physician Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2021

The Committee continued preparation of the Physician Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2021 Evaluation Survey. The survey will be open to all RACP members from 19 April to 10 May 2022. College members are encouraged to complete the survey to help the College evaluate and improve the Strategy.

Development of the next Member Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2026

The Committee discussed planning for the Member Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2026, including defining their vision, values, and focus areas. Further planning will occur at the next Member Health and Wellbeing Committee meeting on Wednesday, 1 June 2022.

Dr Sharmila Ramessur Chandran
Chair, Member Health and Wellbeing Committee 14 March 2022

Meeting 02-2021 | Wednesday 17 November 2021

The following Communiqué highlights the discussions from the 02-2021 Committee meeting, held on Wednesday 17 November 2021.

Member Health and Wellbeing Communication Plan

The Member Health and Wellbeing communication plan provides a baseline to promote health and wellbeing material to RACP members and to implement the Member Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Committee members provided feedback regarding the communication plan, including the need to:

  • increase use of social media channels,
  • include visual elements to make messages more engaging,
  • communicate more frequently about health and wellbeing resources for RACP.

Wellbeing Champions

The Committee discussed the establishment of a Wellbeing Champion network, with the aim of finding a consensus and drafting a proposal for submission to the RACP Board in the first quarter of 2022.

Physician Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2021

The Committee oversees and provides guidance on the evaluation of the Physician Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2021. The evaluation helps to understand the impact and make decisions and required changes to the next Strategy.

Planning for the Member Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2026 will be discussed at the next Committee meeting on Monday, 14 March 2022.

Dr Sharmila Ramessur Chandran
Chair, Member Health and Wellbeing Committee 17 November 2021

Meeting 01-2021 | Wednesday 29 September 2021

The following Communiqué highlights the discussions from the 01-2021 Committee meeting, held on Wednesday 29 September 2021.


The Chair welcomed the members to the first meeting of the Committee.

The Chair thanked the Physician Health and Wellbeing Reference Group, chaired by Dr Beata Byok, for their work, especially for overseeing the development of the Physician Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2021 and its implementation plan. It was noted that the Reference Group was dissolved in November 2020.

The Member Health and Wellbeing Committee members are:

Dr Sharmila Ramessur Chandran | Committee Chair
Dr Tina Ahluwalia | College Board Representative
Dr Ahmad Alcheikh | AMD Representative
Dr Josephine Braid | AFRM Representative
Dr Sabine Hennel | PCHD Representative
Dr Tal Koren | Trainee Representative
Dr Timothy Martin | Trainee Representative
Dr Jessica Wong | Trainee Representative

2020 Medical Training Survey (MTS)

Committee members were presented with a Medical Training Survey analysis following the publication of the results from the 2020 Medical Training Survey (MTS) earlier this year by the Medical Board of Australia.

The analysis of the 2020 MTS showed unacceptably high rates of bullying, discrimination, and harassment. Those were identified as a key area of concern across medical training in Australia, especially since the results revealed that senior medical staff (consultant and specialists) were the most common perpetrators of bullying, discrimination, and harassment. Another key area of concern is the trainee workload with reports that their workload is too heavy, and that it is impacting their wellbeing. However, there has been a slight increase in the number of doctors being paid for their un-rostered overtime.

It was noted that the 2021 MTS was currently underway.

Safe Training Environments Summit

The College Trainees’ Committee and College Education Committee will be holding a joint Summit on Friday 5 November 2021 to discuss and agree on an approach to tackling bullying, harassment, and discrimination in our training environments. A member of the Member Health and Wellbeing Committee will attend the Summit to represent the Committee on these issues.

Physician Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The Committee oversees and provides guidance on the evaluation and revision of the Physician Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2021.

Committee members provided feedback on the evaluation process, and suggestions to consider when developing the new Strategy, in terms of resources and support pathways, communication channels, and wellbeing initiatives.

It was noted that the Strategy will be titled “Member Health and Wellbeing Strategy” when it is being revised.

Strategic planning will be discussed in further detail at the next meeting.

Wellbeing Champions

The College Board supported the establishment of a wellbeing champion model to promote health and wellbeing initiatives and optimise communication between peers, and the College. Committee members discussed what the wellbeing champion roles should encompass, and how they would be recruited. It was noted that the wellbeing champions would need to be connected with suitable support and services.

The wellbeing champion representation will be discussed in further detail at the next meeting.

RACP Online Community (ROC)

The ROC is being launched to all College members on 30 September as a platform for members to support and communicate with each other. Committee members were encouraged to log into the ROC and post some content on topics related to physician and trainee physician health and wellbeing. That could be a statement about the topic area, an experience that they would like to share around the topic, or a question that other College members would want to engage with.

Dr Sharmila Ramessur Chandran
Chair, Member Health and Wellbeing Committee 29 September 2021

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