85 Year Anniversary publication
We're celebrating our past, present, and future together with your stories.
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua
Walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past.
Submit your story | kōrero and contribute to our growing history and diverse membership. To commemorate our 85 year Anniversary, the Library Collection and Cultural Heritage Committee will curate 85 submissions into a keepsake publication. All submissions will be published in the College Roll.
Your story should be an interesting and accurate summary of career highlights and life achievements. We encourage you to include your pepeha (tribal sayings) or whakapapa (genealogical) connections, personal recollections, anecdotes and photos of yourself to be published with your story.
Use these prompts to recall meaningful life experiences. You can answer any or all of the following:
- Tell us about your early life — cultural background (example: iwi), family | whānau, school, community, achievements
- Why did you choose to be a physician?
- What influenced your choice to specialise?
- What is the most fulfilling aspect of practice?
- Who has been an important influence in your life and why?
- What's been your most rewarding experience?
- What do you like to do outside of medicine?
For inspiration, read Professor Catherine Storey's submission sample (PDF)