Why is there an immediate need to invest in these 3 projects now?
There are several reasons, ranging from requirements by our regulator, through to member dissatisfaction with our current services.
In late June 2023, the College received the Australian Medical Council (AMC) response to the College’s April 2023 submission for education accreditation. The key AMC finding was the College has not met the Education Framework Standard 3 and was yet to act on the technology implementation to support it (replacing Tracc). The AMC stated they expected to see significant progress on technology and a plan for a Tracc replacement by December 2023 to support the implementation of the new curriculum
The new Basic and Advanced Training curricula are dependent on a new TMP. We currently have a mix of systems and manual processes for managing current PREP training programs. Employees must access up to eleven different systems to respond to a single training enquiry. Some of these systems are not fit for purpose and are unable to easily support the new curricula being implemented. Comparing our current technology to what is required in future shows a need for significant technology changes to improve the delivery of services to members.
Member Relationship Management platform (MRM)
Currently our member information is held in multiple databases, hindering our ability to obtain a full view of all the interactions a member has with us. There are at least five systems containing member information, and multiple spreadsheets. Some of these existing systems are unsupported and pose a high risk should they fail, and some are recent additions to the College’s architecture.